2011年7月29日 星期五

Sztuczne rzęsy? Czemu nie;) By april-station

Jakiś czas temu otrzymałam do przetestowania sztuczne rzęsy od firmy kkcenterhk
Wybrałam model ES A89. 

W czarnym kartoniku znajduje się aż 10 par rzęs (koszt opakowania to 5.68$).

Od razu uprzedzam- to moja pierwsza przygoda ze sztucznymi rzęsami;) Wcześniej trzymałam się od nich z daleka i pewnie nic by się w tej kwestii nie zmieniło, gdyby nie propozycja współpracy właśnie z kkcenterhk. Pomyślałam- co mi szkodzi wreszcie wypróbować takie rzęsy? Sporo czasu też czasu minęło od otrzymania przesyłki, a pierwszymi testami. Powód? Banalny- brak kleju. Do rzęs nie jest dołączony klej, więc wybrałam się do drogerii na poszukiwania. I jakież było moje zdziwienie gdy ani w Rossmanie ani w Naturze samego kleju nie dostałam. Klej dostałam dopiero w Inglocie;)

Rzęsy są elastyczne i bez problemów dopasowują się do kształtu powieki. Trochę je powyginałam, przycięłam i zabrałam się za przyklejanie. Pierwsza próba skończyła się niepowodzeniem (klej był wszędzie, tylko nie tam gdzie trzeba;). Drugie podejście było już zdecydowanie bardziej owocne:) 
Rezultaty na zdjęciach poniżej:

Patrząc od góry, rzęsy nie wyglądają zbyt atrakcyjnie- widać wyraźnie miejsce ich przyklejenia. Pewnie gdybym wybrała zamiast kredki eyeliner, byłoby to mniej rzucające się w oczy:

Rzęsy na oku wyglądają (w miarę) naturalnie. Na tyle naturalnie, że mój tata nie dostrzegł różnicy (chociaż przy jego wątpliwej spostrzegawczości, to akurat mnie nie zdziwiło;).

Przyznam szczerze, że do sztucznych rzęs, nadal nie jestem przekonana. Przede wszystkim nie podoba mi się uczucie "mam coś na oku" - ale to pewnie kwestia przyzwyczajenia;) 

A wy lubicie nosić sztuczne rzęsy? A może używałyście tych z kkcenterhk? Jakie są wasze opinie? :)

PS. Jak zapewne zauważyłyście, troszkę zmieniłam szatę graficzną. Jak Wam się podoba? (tylko szczerze!!) ;) Pozdrawiam serdecznie i życzę miłego weekendu:)

Thank you, april-station
Check out april-station blog


Beauty angel makeup kit review By loevensmakeuprambles

I was sent this to review from KKCenter HK. It's called Beauty angel makeup kit in purple. I am new to the KKCenter HK site and so far I'm very pleased with their service and how quick they respond to e-mails and such.
Ok... Some of you guys may know by now that I just loove palettes. Got a tonne of palettes and I'm always looking for more. So I was so happy when They sent me this palette to review.

Price: 14,50 $

Packaging: The packaging is made of colourful glossy cardboard, it feels very lightweight, yet sturdy enough to travel with. It's designed to look like a little beauty magazine, soo cute. Inside you will find instructions on how to apply the eyeshadow. It does remind me a bit of Elf's beauty encyclopedias just in a smaller and more girly magazine version, and with better instructions.
The palette's closing mechanism is made up of 2 little magnets that holds the "lid" in place.

It contains 12 x 2,5 grams of eyeshadow and 2 x 5 grams of blush.
It comes with a little dual sided applicator and a little mirror.

If you don't like shimmery eyeshadows you can stop reading now. LOL

These shadows are very very shimmery, not glittery but very pearly and metallic, almost glossy shimmer. The blushes look matte in the pan but applies semi matte with a hint of pearl, but not shimmery or shiny.

Pros:The shadows are very soft and silky in texture, but they don't feel like they would break easily. The lighter colours did apply a bit sheer and grainy in texture when swatched with a finger. But they applied nicely on my eyes. I would say that they are too shimmery to apply on the browbone but for the inner corner of the eyes it's great.

My favorites in this palette would be the 2 first colours in the last row, they seem to have a nicer texture to them, they are the most pigmented of the bunch and I really like the colours: a grey/mushroom/purple kinda colour and a rusty reddish brown.

A few cons:
They can be a little sheer looking, but it helps to apply a primer. I also tried applying a white base and it really did help the colours pop. The the purple shadows look very similar when swatched and they are not as pigmented as I hoped for. The black shadow is not really that black, so if you are looking for true black this is not it. There is quite a bit of fallout from these shadows but it's easy to swipe away with a brush when you are done applying the eyeshadow.

Some might find that doing a complete eye look with these shimmery shadows would be too much shimmer, I personally love love love shimmer but I do think it would have been nice with just a few matte options in this palette.

I would probably not repurchase this palette again, mostly because of the light shades, also because of the blues, I don't really wear blue. But i would certainly like to try the other palettes in the beauty angel series. I like these quite a bit, but it's not Urban decay or Toofaced quality. I think the price is ok reasonable for this palette.

The blushes are quite pigmented, I can use both colours if I apply them with a very light hand, I really like the peachy pink blush, it suits me very well, i would say that the staying power is average, no blush will last on me all day unless I use a cream blush underneath.


Thank you, loevensmakeuprambles
Check out loevensmakeuprambles blog


Hej! Följ min RSS feed! Klicka på ikonen till vänster! By vackerunderbar

Ännu en provprodukt från KKCenterHK!
Denna gång två par nageldekaler, vattendekaler från X&D, som passar mig lite bättre än lösfransarna. Dessa vattendekaler finns i ett antal fina mönster, jag valde dessa i ett blommönster samt med mexikanska sugarskulls. Den första jag provade, eftersom jag gillade mönstret mindre, var X&D Full Nail Art Water Decals- 04#. Konstigt nog är det bara tre nageldekaler till högerhanden + tumme, men fem nageldekaler + tumme till vänster hand. Konstigt, men går alltså att använda ändå.
Det var ganska lätt rent tekniskt att fästa dessa, doppa i vatten typ 10 sekunder, sedan dra av dem från pappret. Vänstra handen var lätt men att fästa dem på höger hand var knepigare. Dock var det inte så svårt att få dem att fästa och sitta snyggt på nageln, jag tog en bomullstuss och tryckte försiktigt för att pressa bort vattnet och stryka ut veck. När det torkat ordentligt tog jag en glasfil och filade mycket försiktigt bort överskottet från kanterna.
Lite bildspam då. Lite kladdigt runt kanterna av topplacket, och trycket är inte så dåligt som det ser ut att vara i förstoring. Live syns det inte alls. Jag störs inte alls av det som ser fel ut på bilderna, för tittarna man på händerna är det inte så tydligt.

Två lager överlack för att försegla och jämna till. Jag gillar det verkligen! Lite veckigt på sina håll men mönstret är hyfsat mönsterpassat med varandra men är lite för smala för mina naglar. Längden var dock inga problem.
Jag ska visa hur sugarskulls-dekalerna, X&D Full Nail Art Water Decals- 10#, blir sedan också när jag testar dem!
Translation: Got a pair of waterdecals for the nails från KKCenterHK the other day! Lot easier to apply then the false lashes and a stunning result. Love it!
3 personer gillar detta inlägg! Hurra!

Thank you, vackerunderbar
Check out vackerunderbar blog


Lower lashes by Jealousness {sponsored review} By caramel--coffee

As you might have seen, I got a new pair of lower lashes from KKCenterHK some time ago~ ( ^▽^) The brand is called Jealousness! So, this is how they look like:
Product name is JS-709. I think the package is pretty sweet~♥

And this is how they look on me.

 + The lash band is long, so you don't need to use any mascara
+ Sweet package!
+ Quite natural design
- Glue is not included
- Pretty fragile
Overall rating:  ♥♥♥♡♡+

You got interested in Jealousness? (*・ω・) I think it's slowly becoming one of my favorite makeup brands.. You can buy it here! I'll show you some pics of their other products:

Waterproof eyeliner

...and "how to use eyelashes!"

This is my dream mascara! *0* Too expensive, though!
 You can also visit Jealousnessusa.com 

I'm currently learning this dance (Jonghyun's part♥)
 Looks hard huh! (,,#゚Д゚) But it's soo nice to dance when you've learned it properly!


Thank you, caramel--coffee
Check out caramel--coffee blog




The full collection of shadows.

- Without Flash -

                                     -Without Flash-

BEAUTY ANGEL Special Edition Perfect Make-Up Kit - PURPLE
Price: $14.50
Includes: 12 shadows And 2 Blush.
Collections: Blue, Gold, Green, Purple.

I put together a look using the KKCenterHK Beauty Angel kit in purple. There are 4 editions: Blue, Gold, Green and purple. Each one looks like a cute mini magazine. When I received my kit, I was impressed by the way it was wrapped in a package of thick bubble wrap. On the inside it also tells you step by step how to create a look and how to find the right shade for you. I love how the books snap shut by 4 little magnets on each corner.  Below the shadows and blush, there is also a little eye shadow brush and mirror.

These shadows are very pigmented and soft. They almost look like satin when you apply them.  In row 1 and 2, a few of the lighter shadows are very similar. When you apply them, you can hardly tell a difference, but the color they come out to be is beautiful. The purple I used in this look was the darker purple (in the 2nd row.) I really love the 3rd row of shadows, simply because I love smokey eyes and these will look awesome in a smokey eye look. 

Each edition comes with 2 very lovely blushes. The blush that comes with this collection is a  beautiful, light, peachy pink color (my favorite one) and a pretty, bright pink. When you apply the blush, you only need a small amount, as they are pretty pigmented. 

I really liked this collection, I think the only thing that I didn't like was the fact that most of the lighter colors looked the same when you apply them. I also thought the price might be a bit much at first, but considering the fact that you get a lot of high quality product, I think it is worth it. 

I give this product 4 out of 5 kisses! :) 
Click here if you would like to purchase one of these collections. 

Have any of you ladies tried any of these collections?

Thank you, kissanmakeup
Check out kissanmakeup blog


Review: ES False Eyelashes A013 By deeabeauty

Hello my ladies,

In urma cu ceva timp (ceva mai mult chiar:D) am fost contactata de cei de la KKcenterHK sa testez niste gene false. Am avut "libertatea" de a-mi alege ce gene doresc sa incerc si trebuie sa va marturisesc ca m-am pierdut printre atatea gene false si la un moment dat nu stiam ce sa-mi aleg, le vroiam pe toate:)))

Intr-un final m-am decis asupra unor gene false cu un aspect mai natural pentru ca nu sunt o mare iubitoare al genelor false dramatice,havy cu un aspect ieftin si pitiponcesc! Mizez pe naturalete si daca optez pentru gene false prefer sa fie cat mai naturale, sa nu atraga atentia intr-un mod neplacut. Consider ca genele false trebuie sa se integreze perfect cu machiajul purtat, sa devina un intreg si sa scoata in evidenta frumusetea ochilor si de ce nu sa ne "ascunda" unele mici imperfectiuni, cum ar fi gene scurte, rare,etc.

In alta ordine de idei acestea sunt genele pe care mi le-am ales :

Asa arata aplicate:
(dati click pt marire)

Si acum sa revenim la review-ul propriu-zis:

-sunt din par sintetic insa aspectul lor natural face ca acest lucru sa nu se observe.
-facand parte din categoria genelor false tip banda , aplicarea lor este destul de usoara (n-am intampinat dificultati la aplicare asa cum am auzit ca se intampla la genele false sintetice),cu un bun adeziv se aplica super easy si rezista all day long!
-imi place modelul încrucişat(criss-cross) deoarece confera genelor un aspect bogat dar intr-un mod destul de natural.
-creeaza senzatia de ochi deschisi, mari, datorita perilor scurti in coltul intern si lungi in cel extern, asadar astfel de gene pot fi un truc foarte bun pentru fetele cu ochii mici.
- vin intr-un pachet format din 10 perechi si fiecare pereche poate fi folosita de 2-3 ori in functie de cat de bine sunt ingrijite.

-puncte negative nu prea le-am gasit, doar ca sunt usor rigide la inceput dar se "modeleaza" usor prin miscari de back & fore/stanga-dreapta/rulare....cum vreti voi sa-i spuneti!

-costa 4.89$ si se pot cumpara de aici

In concluzie: mie personal imi plac aceste gene, deja ma gandesc sa-mi comand alte modele si tin sa le multumesc celor de la KKcenterHK pentru ca mi-au dat ocazia sa le incerc.

Sa aveti un weekend excelent si nu uitati de concursul de pe Facebook, mai aveti cateva zile!


Thank you, deeabeauty