2011年7月11日 星期一

Review: KKcenterhk eyelashes By rastalovenails

 I was recently contacted by KKcenterhk to do a review about this eyelashes. I was glady to do so, mainly because I don't have a lot of experiences with fake eyelashes and I want to expand my knowledge. They have online store that have all sorts of beauty products- wigs, eyelashes, eyeshadow palettes, makeup brushes, jewerly etc. Check out the store!
 Well, this kit contains 10 pairs of eyelashes in black color. They are called BLACK DENSLY FALSE  EYELASHES and the item number is A155. They are reusable if you remove the carefully. How cool is that???
Pictures me wearing them will be coming up soon!

Thank you, rastalovenails
Check out rastalovenails blog


