KKCenterHK kindly asked me, if I was interested in reviewing any of their products, and I immediately fell for this set BESE-N331-55-40-68 of Best Sence nail polishes.
Furthermore they have given me a 10% off coupon code to share with my readers - that doesn't expire until January 31th 2013, it's BLGA359ME10, so feel free to use it.
KKCenterHK spurgte om jeg ville være interesseret i an anmelde nogen af deres produkter, og mit blik faldt straks på dette sæt BESE-N331-55-40-68 af Best Sence neglelak.
OG de har givet mig en minus 10% kupon kode, som jeg kan dele med jer, mine læsere, den udløber først den 31.01.13 - den hedder BLGA359ME10, så brug den endelig!
Facts about the swatches below: All 3 polishes are shown over a ridge filler base coat and without a top coat. Their finish is quite shiny, they are very well pigmented, but all are shown in two coats. They all are frosty/metallic polishes that often are prone to brushmarks. # 68 had no problems, #55 not problems visible to the naked eye, but #40 that was a bit tricky. Dry time is slow, the formula is nice in consistency, and the brush is nice to use.
Facts about the swatches below: All 3 polishes are shown over a ridge filler base coat and without a top coat. Their finish is quite shiny, they are very well pigmented, but all are shown in two coats. They all are frosty/metallic polishes that often are prone to brushmarks. # 68 had no problems, #55 not problems visible to the naked eye, but #40 that was a bit tricky. Dry time is slow, the formula is nice in consistency, and the brush is nice to use.
Fakta om nedenstående swatches: Alle 3 lakker er vist over en ridge filler grundlak og uden en toplak. Finish er ret skinnende, de er velpigmenterede, og er vist med to lag. De er alle af perlemor/metallic familien, som generelt ofte giver mærker efter penslen, men nr. 68 var helt problemfri, nr. 55 ikke noget særligt, hvorimod nr. 40 var en smule besværlig. Tørretiden er langsom, lakkens konsistens er fin, og penslen er god at bruge.
Best Sence 68 is a beautiful, shimmey metallic golden polish, it’s like liquid gold!
Best Sence 68 er en smuk, perlende metallic guldfarve, den er som flydende guld!
Sence 55 is a bright cool-shade green polish with duochrome tendencies slightly
shifting to gold. It’s very pretty.
Best Sence 55 er en smuk kold grøn med duochrome
tendenser, hvor den skifter lidt til guld. Den er rigtigt køn.
Sence 40 is frosty, metallic light blue color, that reminds me of the sky on a
frosty, sunny dag, I’s gorgeous.
Best Sence 40 er en frosty metallisk lys blå farve, som
minder mig om himlen på en solrig frostdag, den er bare så lækker.
Thank you, mariasnailpolishblog
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