2012年3月12日 星期一

KKCenterHk Lashes A812 by boldnbeautifulmakeup

 I received another style of lashes to review from the lovely people at KKCenterHk This set of lashes I really loved when I saw them because they were simple enough to wear for an everyday look and sultry enough to wear at night. The band on the lashes is thin enough that you can layer another pair on top or underneath and not worry about bulkiness or lifting. The style of lashes I received can be found HERE!!!! I really liked these lashes they were easy to apply and again the band was not thick like most synthetic lashes are. Another positive for these lashes are that being that they are synthetic they don't have a shiny cast over them and the hairs are a rich black colour. The cost of these lashes are great to pricing at $8.00 for 10 pairs! Make sure to check out this company as they also offer makeup, wigs and a wide range of other fun stuff. You can also use the coupon code I have listed below for my readers

Unique coupon code : BLGB584TH10
Coupon Amount : 10% Off
Coupon code expires: February 28th 2012

Thank you, boldnbeautifulmakeup
Check out  boldnbeautifulmakeup blog

