Another nail post you say? Well yes but this time I'm trying something very different - nail printing stickers from N.Nails
I got these stickers (with a pussy shaped cut out) from
They are
priced at US$2.67 (approx Rs147) The pack contains 10 stickers good enough for both hands (and one extra - so a total of 11 stickers)
Nail Printing Mode - Pussy Stickers |
The stickers come in a convenient
packaging. The ones I have are red in colour (colour of the sticker
does not matter). The instructions on how to use them are clearly listed
on the back of the pack.
Nail Printing Mode - Pussy Stickers - Instructions |
Here is the final look I created with the stickers.
Nail Printing Mode - Pussy Stickers - final look |
And now for the step by step procedure.
You start off by applying any base colour to the nails and let it dry
completely. I painted my nails with a clear paint as the base coat.
Step 1. Gently take off a sticker from the pack. The stickers are almost
like soft plastic which you need to take off carefully specially if the
design is a bit intricate (like the tail of the pussy in my case).
Choose the sticker based on its size and the finger you are applying it
Step 1: Nail Printing Mode - Pussy Stickers
Step 2. Stick the sticker on the
inside of your thumb to reduce the amount of glue the sticker has. This
step is important so that when you take off the sticker from the nail it
comes off easily. If there is too much glue it will become difficult to
take it off.
Step 2: Nail Printing Mode - Pussy Stickers |
Step 3. Place the sticker on your
nail (sticky side down) placing the pattern as desired. On my thumb I
placed the pussy slightly towards the side whereas on
the centre finger I placed it bang in the centre.
Step 3: Nail Printing Mode - Pussy Stickers
Step 4. Take
your desired nail paint and simply paint in the cut out pattern
covering it properly with a single stroke. Let it dry for about 10
seconds and then gently remove the sticker off the nail.
Step 4: Nail Printing Mode - Pussy Stickers |
Volla! You have your pattern neatly painted on your nail!
Nail Printing Mode - Pussy Stickers |
I did mine one by one but you can
easily put the stickers on all your nails at one go and then simply
paint them all. This way it would be faster.
You can also add other patterns around the main pattern. I added pussy foot prints randomly on the rest of the nails.
Nail Printing Mode - Pussy Stickers
I thoroughly enjoyed doing this
and will surely try it again with a different color combination (and
maybe I will put pussies on all my nails next time :) )
Handy Tip: try and use a
nail paint that is not too thick and don't let the sticker sit for too
long on the nail after painting it - both these tips will make sure that
the pattern comes out neat and clean.
Thank you, ourexternalworld
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