2012年11月29日 星期四

NOTD: Congrats Obama on a 2nd Term! by hiiyooitscat

Happy Veterans Day!!!   Elections are over! and the winner is............ psh don't act like you don't know!  It is Barack Obama!  Congratulations on a 2nd term.  I hope that these next four years do show a difference and do help everyone a bit.  We seriously need more classes at school and more jobs for people.  So to celebrate I decided to finally use my Obama nail water decals!  Read on for my how to and more photos!

So I actually received these a while ago from www.kkcenterhk.com and wanted to use them for a special occasion.  My original thought was to use them during election process to show my support if I decided to vote for him.  However, I was not keeping up with any debates or anything so I did not want to vote on that aspect (I did vote on props though).  Now that he officially won, why not celebrate by putting his face on my nails =)

This was the first time using water decals and ooh wee they are so simple to use. I made a how to for you guys.

It comes in a small sheet and you just cut what you want on your nail place in water and tada!


How to:

-I used a multiple tea light candle holder, so I just put one into each.

The Look:
The image is in black and white so I figured it would look great over a grey polish (OPI-"Sheer" your toys!)  I also used Obama water decals (Item #: WDBLE430).  They look to be sold out at the moment.  I guess a lot of people wanted to show their support before, during and after the election.  I am sure they will get more in stock soon if it is requested =)


I love the water decals.  I received 3 other designs that I cannot wait to use, they are lovely.  I will be purchasing more because they are quite inexpensive and really easy to use.  Water decals are non-sticky and are really thin, so you don't feel it's surface when you touch your nails.

I was given a code for my readers to receive 10% your purchase! Be sure to use code "hiiyooitscat".  Discount code ends on January 31st, 2013

I hope you guys enjoyed my nails this week!  I know I have been doing a lot of sponsored reviews lately but I am doing individual posts for each item in my influenster box and I am quite behind on reviewing products that were sent to me. I am currently waiting on products I purchased from eBay as well as ELF (their best sellers and new products) to review.  I am also updating on my skin from using acne.org.  Stay tuned for all the good stuff!

Disclaimer: Sample products were sent to me for product review by the kindness of the company, I am not getting paid for my review.. as always everything is my honest opinion.

Thank you, hiiyooitscat
Check out hiiyooitscat blog

