Evo malo ukrašavanja noktiju i isprobavanja pečata, grebalice i pločice za pečatiranje sa sajta http://kkcenterhk.com/.
I did some nail decorating and tried a stamping plate, stamper and scraper sent to me for review from http://kkcenterhk.com/.
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N.NAIL Scraper And Stamp Set [JR1055] |
Bila sam neprijatno iznenađena što mi je umesto metalnog grebača
prikazanog na slikama na sajtu stigao plastičan grebač. Plastičan grebač
već imam i ovaj proizvod sam odabrala za recenziju jer sam želela da
isprobam metalni. U opisu proizvoda ne piše materijal, ali sam na osnovu
priloženih slika (uključujući i fotografije drugih blogera koji su
radili recenziju za ovaj proizvod) pretpostavila da ću dobiti metalni.
Ne znam da li ovo spada u obmanu mušterije, ali mislim da bi trebalo jer
sigurno se razlikuje i učinak i kvalitet metalnog i plastičnog grebača,
na stranu to što sam ja (ili neko drugi) možda spremna da odvojim 4,5 $
za metalni grebač, ali ne i za plastični. Kada se prevaziđe ovaj
problem, i pečat i grebač su sasvim dobri. Znam da nekim pečatima treba
malo turpijanja kako bi slika bolje prionula, ali sa ovim to nije
slučaj. Sliku je fino primao i fino prenosio na nokat. Nemam zamerke.
I was unpleasantly surprised when I received a plastic scraper
instead of a metal one that is shown in photos on the website. I already
have a plastic scraper and I picked this particular product for review
because I wanted to try a metal one. Material isn't mentioned in the
product description, but from the photos on the website (including those
from other bloggers' reviews) I supposed I'd get a metal one. I don't
know if this falls under deception of consumer, but it should because
surely both quality and effectiveness of metal and plastic scrapers
differ, not to mention that I (or anyone else) may be willing to spend
$4.5 on a metal scraper, but not on a plastic one. If we disregard this
issue (and I find it to be a big issue), both scraper and stamper are
good. I know some stampers need a bit filing in order to pick up an
image from the plate well, but that isn't the case with this one. It
picked up images really well and transferred them well on the nail. I
don't have any complaints on that.
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N.NAIL Stamping Image Stamp Template Plate SPPMM93 [SPPMM93] |
Pločica M93 ima devet šara - četiri morske, četiri u vezi sa Noći
veštica i jednu apstraktnu šaru. Ovom sam prilikom zanemarila morske
motive i isprobala preostalih pet sa delimičnim uspehom. Sama pločica je
bila prekrivena zaštitnom plastičnom folijom tako snažno pričvršćenom
da sam je jedva skinula. Pločica je metalna i veoma je oštrih ivica.
Šare su jasno urezane na njoj.
M93 stamping plate has nine designs - four sea-themed, four
Halloween-themed and one abstract image. I skipped the sea-themed ones
this time and tried the other five, with partial success. The plate was
covered with a protective plastic wrap, so fast attached that I barely
managed to take it off. The plate is metal, its edges are very sharp and
the images are well engraved and clear.
Prvo sam isprobala sliku zbog koje sam i odabrala baš M93 - paučina sa
paukom. Slika je prilično tanana i neočekivano se dobro prenela i na
pečat i na nokat. Za test sam koristila Flormar Supershine Miracle U33,
kasnije Golden Rose With Protein 287.
I first tried the design that was the reason I picked M93 in the
first place - cobweb with spider. The image is fine and detailed and
transferred on the stamper and the nail unexpectedly well. I used
Flormar Supershine Miracle U33 for test and later Golden Rose With
Protein 287.
Potom sam prešla na vešticu na metli. Ovo je puna slika, ali opet sa
detaljima koji se lako mogu pokidati tokom prenošenja, ali meni se to
nije desilo. I paučina iznad i veštica ispod su prvi pokušaji. Za
vešticu sam koristila Golden Rose With Protein 287.
Afterwards I picked a witch on a broom. This design is rather full,
but still there are details that can easily be torn during transfer,
which luckily didn't happen. Both cobweb above and the witch below are
first tries. I used Golden Rose With Protein 287 for the witch.
Dopada mi se što kada pogrešim ili ne prenesem sliku baš dobro grešku
mogu da zgulim sa nokta. To sam učinila u nekoliko navrata kada nisam
dobro pozicionirala sliku ili kada lak koji sam odabrala za sliku nije
bio dovoljno uočljiv na noktu. Od pet lakova koje sam odvojila za ovo
pečatiranje na kraju sam koristila samo dva, a isprobala sam i dodatna
dva, ali nisu se videli dobro na ovoj prilično živoj pozadini.
I like the fact that I could scrape my mistakes off my nails. I had
to do it several times when I placed a design on a wrong spot or if the
polish I chose wasn't as visible on the nail as I wished it to be. Out
of five polishes I picked for this project (+ two I added later) I ended
up using only two because others didn't stand out on this busy
Samo sam sa slikom duha sam imala problema - lak se nije zadržavao u
centralnom delu slike, a samim tim se nije taj deo ni prenosio na pečat.
U kom god smeru da sam brisala lak sliku duha nisam mogla da dobijem u
I only had trouble with the ghost image - polish wouldn't stay in the
midsection of the image and therefore couldn't transfer on the stamper
and nail. No matter what direction I scraped the polish off, I couldn't
get the whole image.
Svi nokti ispečatirani crnim lakom. Ni sa bundevom, koja ima tanke
linije, ni sa apstraktnim motivom nisam imala nikakvih problema.
Savršeno su se preneli.
I stamped the rest of my nails with black polish. I had no trouble with jack-o'-lantern, which has very fine lines nor with the abstract design. Their transfer was flawless.
Plašila sam se da mi nadlak može zabrljati slike, ali nije. Čak su postale intenzivnije.
I was afraid the top coat might smudge the designs, but it didn't. It even made them more visible.
Summa summarum, M93 pločica je dobra, ako se izuzme slika duha. Pečat i
grebač su takođe dobri, samo grebač nije onaj koji je predstavljen na
Summa summarum, M93 plate is good, except the ghost image. Stamper
and scraper are also very good, but the scraper isn't the one shown on
the website.
Ove proizvode sam dobila za recenziju sa sajta http://kkcenterhk.com/. Dobila sam i kod koji možete upotrebiti za 10 % popusta pri naručivanju. Samo unesite cajka
u prostor za kod za popust kada budete plaćali. KKCenterHk šalje robu
širom sveta. Srbija ne postoji u meniju zemalja, ali postoji
The products above were sent to me for review by http://kkcenterhk.com/. I was also given a coupon code you can use to get 10 % discount. Just enter cajka at checkout. KKCenterHk ships worldwide.
Thank you, cajkinekandze
Check out cajkinekandze blog