2013年7月31日 星期三

Mint and Turquoise Nail Design By any-rainbow

Napokon, novi post od mene! 

Nedostajao mi je blog, mackanje noktiju, vasi komentari... Ali proteklih meseci ili nisam imala internet ili vremena ili mi nokti nisu bili dovoljno lepi i dugi za blog. Nadam se da ce se to promeniti, da ce sve biti okej i da cemo se vise druziti. :]

U ovom postu cu vam pokazati manikir sa moje dve omiljene boje, mint i tirkiznom, sa proizvodima koje sam dobila od KKCenterHK

Naravno, koristila sam Essie Mint Candy Apple kao podlogu.

Finally, a new post from me!

I missed my blog, nail art, your comments... But last few months I didn't have internet connection or free time or my nails weren't just pretty or long enough for blog. I hope that will change, that everything will be okay and that we'll hang out more. :]

In this post I will show you manicure with my two favourite colours, mint and turquoise, with products I got from KKCenterKG

Of course, I used Essie Mint Candy Apple as a base. 

Posle baze iskoristila sam ovu tanku traku da bih napravila linije. Na sajtu je oznacena kao Laser Gold Striping Tape Line Nail Decoration Sticker. Tanka je 0,6 mm i duga oko 180cm. Naravno samolepljiva je. Dobro se lepi ali sam primetila da mi se malo lepka s nje prenelo na nokte, zato mozda ne bi bilo lose da se vise koristi za manikire sa kojih se nece odlepljivati. Svakako, solidna tracica koju sam dugo prizeljkivala. Njena cena je 0.90 americkih dolara. 

After the base I used this thin tape to make lines. On the site it's called Laser Gold Striping Tape Line Nail Decoration Sticker. It's only 0.6 mm thin and long about 180 cm. Of course It's masking. It's sticks very good for the nail but I noticed that a little bit of the glue transferred to my nails, so It might be better to use this tape for manicures which don't require taking the tape off. Anyway, it's a good tape that I wanted for so long. It costs 0.90 USD.

Sledeca stvar koju sam koristila su ove predivne tirkizne sljokice velicine svega 0,2 mm. Na sajtu su oznacene kao Laser Glitter. Dolaze u plasticnoj teglici od 10g kao i svi njihove sljokice, a to je zaista solidna kolicina. Ako ih ne koristite profesionalno, necete ih potrositi godinama. Kostaju 8.41 americkih dolara.

The next thing I used for this manicure is this beautiful turquoise glitter. It's only 0.2 mm big. On the site It's named Laser Glitter. It comes in plastic container just like all of their glitter. It weights 10g which is really a lot If you won't use It professionally, It can last you for years. Glitter costs 8.41 USD.

Nalakirala sam jedan sloj Essie Mint Candy Apple laka, sacekala da se osusi, nalepila tracice, namazala sloj providnog laka i posula sljokice. Zatim uklonila tracice, ocistila nokte... A evo i kako je sve to ispalo! 

I applied one coat of Essie Mint Candy Apple and waited until it dried, applied tape, then a coat of clear polish sprinkled glitter on it, cleaned my nails... And this is how It looks!

Nadam se da vam se svideo post i manikir. Cim nadjem vremena usledice neke promene na blogu. Pozadina, nova slika, smajlici i mozda jos ponesto. Ljubim vas do sledeceg posta! :* <3

I hope you like this post and manicure. As soon as I have some free time I will change my blog a bit. New cover photo, background, smileys and maybe few more things. Until next post.. :* <3

Thank you, any-rainbow
Check out any-rainbow blog

