Četvrti set nitni koje sam dobila sa sajta KKCenterHk su srebrno-sive polulopteNNAIL-DRN669. Ovo su metalne nitne prečnika 3 mm. Veoma su jednostavne za upotrebu i lako se kombinuju i raspoređuju u različite oblike. Donja površina im je blago udubljena, što ih čini zgodnim za postavljanje na površinu nokta. U pakovanju je oko 50 komada. Mogu se koristiti više puta, što je odlično. Za uklanjanje tagova laka i/ili nadlaka preporučujem potapanje nitni u čist aceton.
The fourth set of nail studs I got from KKCenterHk is silvery-grey round NNAIL-DRN669. These metal studs are 3 mm in diameter. They are very easy to use and can easily be combined and arranged into different shapes. Their lower surface is slightly concave, which is very useful when it comes to placing them on the nail surface. There are about 50 pieces in a pack. They are reusable, which is an upside. I recommend dipping the studs in pure acetone in order to remove traces of polish and/or top coat.
The fourth set of nail studs I got from KKCenterHk is silvery-grey round NNAIL-DRN669. These metal studs are 3 mm in diameter. They are very easy to use and can easily be combined and arranged into different shapes. Their lower surface is slightly concave, which is very useful when it comes to placing them on the nail surface. There are about 50 pieces in a pack. They are reusable, which is an upside. I recommend dipping the studs in pure acetone in order to remove traces of polish and/or top coat.
Poučena prethodnim iskustvom sa poluloptastim nitnama, ovog puta sam koristila više laka da bih pričvrstila nitne za nokat. Nisam stavila nadlak. Nitne su se držale prilično dobro i nisu otpadale dok nisam provukla ruku kroz kosu i kosom otkačila jednu nitnu. Ostale su bile čvrsto pričvršćene.
After the last experience with rounded nail studs, I used more nail polish to attach these to nail. I didn't use top coat. The studs held quite well and didn't fall off until I ran my hand through my hair, when one of the studs got detached. Others were firmly attached.
Ovaj proizvod sam dobila za recenziju sa sajta http://kkcenterhk.com/. Dobila sam i kod koji možete upotrebiti za 10 % popusta pri naručivanju. Samo unesite cajka u prostor za kod za popust kada budete plaćali. KKCenterHk šalje robu širom sveta. Srbija ne postoji u meniju zemalja, ali postoji Jugoslavija.
The product above was sent to me for review by http://kkcenterhk.com/. I was also given a coupon code you can use to get 10 % discount. Just enter cajka at checkout. KKCenterHk ships worldwide.
Thank you, cajkinekandze
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