2013年10月24日 星期四

Lace Lashes by KKCENTERHK.COM By zileleaugust

Hello sweeties!

Nu este un secret colaborarea mea cu cei de la kkcenterhk.com. Am primit gene false de la ei aici, aici, aici si aici. Acum o luna mi-au mai trimis doua perechi de lace lashes foarte dragute. Am tot amanat aceasta postare pentru ca vroiam sa creez intai un look cu aceste gene si abia apoi sa le prezint mai detaliat.
My collab with kkcenterhk.com is no longer a secret. I got from them false lashes here, here, here and here. About a month ago they sent me 2 pairs of lace lashes very nice. I postponed this post because I wanted to create some looks with those lashes. 

Am modelele ES-Lace-10 (cele mai deschise) and ES-Lace-11 (cele mai inchise). 
I have ES-Lace-10 (the brighter one) and ES-Lace-11 (the darker one). 

Ambalare / Packaging :
Ambalajul este dreptunghiular, fragil si ocupa spatiu in colectie. Cu toate acestea, mi se pare foarte profi si frumos si nu ma deranjeaza in mod deosebit. Daca scapati pe jos cutiuta sansele sa se sparga sunt foarte mari. 
The packaging is rectangular, fragile and needs a lot of space. However, I think they look very pro and nice and it doesn't bother me that much. If you drop them the chances to break them are very high. 

Forma / Shape :
Evident, genele nu sunt pentru orice moment al zilei si nici pentru seara ci pentru un machiaj de Halloween sau o petrecere tematica, o sedinta foto etc. Un make-up artist sau un pasionat de make-up ar fi foarte incantat de ele si le-ar gasi repede o intrebuintare insa o persoana obisnuita nu prea are ce face cu aceste perechi de gene. Atat nr 10 cat si nr 11 sunt foarte mari, dupa ce le-am aplicat mi-a fost destul de greu sa retusez machiajul ochilor. De asemenea, mi se par grele pe pleoape, m-as putea obisnui sa le port cateva ore dar pe toata perioada as fi constienta de ele. 
As you can see, the lashes are not wearable, they are for Halloween, a thematic party or a photo shoot. A make-up artist or someone who has a passion for make-up would be very happy with them and would find easy a way to use them but a normal person doesn't need them. Both no 10 and no 11 are veeeery big, after I applied them it was hard to retouch the eye make-up. Also, I feel them hard on my eyes, I could manage to wear them a few hours but I would be aware of them the entire time. 

Reutilizare / Reuse :
Daca aveti grija si le dezlipiti usor de pe pleoape, genele nu se strica, sunt destul de solide si le puteti reutiliza fara probleme. 
If you get them down carefully they can be reused. 

Pret / Price :
Pretul unei astfel de perechi este de $16.80 ceea ce inseamna destul de mult pentru o pereche de gene false dar ma gandesc la faptul ca nu toata lumea are nevoie de ele decat make-up artisti sau pasionatii care oricum platesc foarte mult pentru produsele din kit. Modelul 10 il gasiti aici si modelul 11 aici.
The price for a pair is $16.80 which is very much for a pair of false lashes but I am thinking that not everybody needs them, only make-up artists or those who have a passion for make-up. And those persons spend anyway very much for their make-up kit. You can find type no. 10 here and no. 11 here.

Concluzie / Conclusion :
Imi plac aceste gene si sunt mandra ca le am in colectie insa cu toate acestea eu nu as plati atat de mult pentru o pereche de gene fantezie pentru simplul motiv ca nu le folosesc des.
I really like those lashes and I am very proud that I have them in my collection but I wouldn't spend so much on a pair of false (fantasy) lashes just because you don't get to use them often.

Daca doriti sa faceti cumparaturi de pe www.kkcenterhk.com introduceti codul ZILELEAUGUST si aveti 10% reducere. Va pup!
If you want to shop at www.kkcenterhk.com you can introduce the code ZILELEAUGUST and you have 10% off. Kisses!

Puteti sa imi trimiteti poze, idei, intrebari, orice la adresa de mai jos!
 You can send me pictures, ideas, questions, anything at my address down below! 
 contact : beauty.insider@rocketmail.com

Thank you, zileleaugust
Check out zileleaugust blog

