Bunaaa fetelor!
Hello sweeties!
Aceasta este ultima postare legata de genele de hartie. Dupa cum v-am mai spus, cei de la kkcenterhk.com mi-au trimis 3 perechi de gene din hartie de marimi diferite, puteti vedea #1 si #2. Genele chiar sunt din hartie, ceea ce, cred eu, le face mai greu de aplicat. Daca prima si a doua oara totul mi s-a parut usor, de data acesta m-am cam chinuit. Cu cat genele sunt mai micute, cu atat sunt mai usor de pus pentru ca oricat si-ar schimba forma in urma aplicarii lipiciului, ele nu vor depasi forma ochiului. Genele de astazi sunt mult mai mari si a trebuit sa le tai pentru a le putea pune.
This is the last post about paper lashes. As i told you before, kkcenterhk.com sent me 3 pairs of paper lashes in different sizes, here #1 and #2. The lashes really are made of paper which is why they are harder to be applied. The smaller are the lashes the easier is to put them on. The first and the second time i used them i thought they are easy to use but now, when i tried this bigger one, i found it hard to apply them. The glue modifies the shape of the lashes but if they are smaller, the lash is less affected. Today's lashes are bigger and harder to put them on and i had to cut them a lot.
Ambalajul mi se pare fragil, dar foarte profi. Pretul ($21.50) este putin cam mare pentru o astfel de pereche de gene, mai ales ca este evident ca nu pot fi purtate oricand. Totusi, mie imi plac foarte mult, o persoana pasionata de make-up le va indragi cu siguranta si se va juca foarte mult cu ele. Nu as putea spune nimic legat de un numar de folosiri pentru ca eu am perechi de gene pe care le-am folosit si de 10 ori :). Tot ce fac este sa indepartez lipiciul cand le dau jos si le tin intr-un loc curat. Le puteti procura de pe kkcenterhk.com
The package looks very fragile but i think it is also pro. The price ($21.50) is a little high if we consider that we don't wear them all day. Though, i like them very much, a make-up artist or a person who is into make-up would love them and would play a lot with them. I can not say anything about the number of uses because i have lashes that i have worn for like 10 times. All i do is remove the glue after wearing them and i keep them in a clean place. You can purchase the lashes from kkcenterhk.com
Puteti sa imi trimiteti poze, idei, intrebari, orice la adresa de mai jos!
You can send me pictures, ideas, questons, anything at my address downbelow!
contact : beauty.insider@rocketmail.com
Thank you, zileleaugust
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