Betty Boop has been around since the beginning of the 1930's, a well loved cartoon
character - true girl power! She may not have brains but she has a big heart!
If you're a Betty Boop fan check out my Gorgeous Betty Boop Water Decals from
KKCenterHk. There are 20 decals in the pack with 5 different designs of Betty Boop.
Water decals are really easy to use, soak in a little pot of water for 20 seconds,
Water decals are really easy to use, soak in a little pot of water for 20 seconds,
peel away from the backing paper, apply to your painted nails and seal with top coat.
Very easy and extremely effective. If you love water decals as much as me,
why not join the Facebook group I've just set up called Wonderful Water Decals.
To the pics......
To the pics......
The Gorgeous Betty Boop Water Decals SY381 cost $2.34 / €1.70 / £1.40 and
use my code 'wendysdelights' for a 10% discount! Yay! Click the badge
below to be directed to KKCenterHk.
KKCenterHk offer international shipping and you can keep up to date with them on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, Tumblr, Youtube, Myspace
Thank you, wendysdelights
Check out wendysdelights blog