Hiya girls! I have not one, but three designs for you today, all of them are made using flocking powder. I tried to be creative and to think of new things, like a fuzzy bumble bee, a grassy mani with flowers, and some fuzzy shoes. Click to see them all!
I received this flocking powder from KKCenterHK to play with and MY GAWD was this fun! They have flocking powder in lots of different colors but I chose black, yellow and green. I loved making these designs for you and I hope you like them!
Yeaahhhh the first design is very cute and easy to make! I applied a bit of tape on my nail when the Zoya Raven base color was good and dry. Then I painted a coat of China Glaze Yellow Polka Dot Bikini and quickly dipped my nail into the flocking powder. Et voilá! I used my Christrio Scotland detail brush to paint the wings, they're fast, easy strokes and they look a little bit like a cartoon. And there ya have it! A little fuzzy bee :)
This yellow color is pretty neon, I like it that way but I would have expected more of an ochre kind of color.
As always with flocking powder, I'd recommend using a polish with the same color underneath it, to make it look its best. You can apply the polish first, let it dry and then attach the flocking powder with a clear top coat, or you can apply the colored polish and press your nail into the powder while it's still wet.
This green color was just perfect for a grassy mani, but I was struggling with what to put on top of that. I was thinking of all kinds of intricate things when I suddenly realized I have a stash of fimo flowers somewhere... so I dug it up and this is the result!
I used China Glaze Kiwi Kool-ada underneath which is the exact same color. The flocking powder is pretty neon, which I didn't expect from the pictures in the store. Neons suit me well but if they're too flashy for you, you might want to consider this before buying!
And lastly the black flocking powder! This design was the hardest because I kept changing my mind about what to do with it. I tried some things on nail sticks first, because I wanted to do something really complicated with stamping with a ttop coat and then attaching flocking powder to that. Let me tell you know: it doesn't work! Hahaha it didn't even stick a little bit but oh well, I guess I learned something new!
Then I wanted to make a corset but I think it looks more like fancy suede shoes... "Now you can do anything but lay off of my black suede shoes!" (It's from a song by Carl Perkins, later covered by Elvis Presley. I like rockabilly!)
The cute little bow charm is one I got from Ocean Nail Supply. It was really easy to attach with a little bit of top coat and it actually stayed on pretty well!!!
Oh and I used Zoya Ziv for the gold and Zoya Raven underneath the black flocking powder, and OPI Don't Pretzel My Buttons for the nude color.
Thanks for taking a look at my crazy nail art and don't forget to shop at KKCenterHK for some good nail art supplies! - See more at: http://www.piggieluv.com/2014/04/three-designs-with-flocking-powder-from.html#sthash.8ivzh4XB.dpuf - See more at: http://www.piggieluv.com/2014/04/three-designs-with-flocking-powder-from.html#sthash.8ivzh4XB.dpuf - See more at: http://www.piggieluv.com/2014/04/three-designs-with-flocking-powder-from.html#sthash.8ivzh4XB.dpuf
Thank you, piggieluv
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