Hi there!
What can I say... in the dark all the cat's aren't quite black, but all of them casting black shadows
If you like this image plate, you can found it here. Remember to use my nailcrazy69 code for 10 % off.
Now tell me girls, what do you think of my cats in the moonlight?
Što da Vam kažem - nisu sve mačke u mraku baš crne, ali sve bacaju crnu sjenu
Ukoliko Vam se pločica sviđa, možete je uzeti ovdje. Sjetite se pritom iskoristiti i kod nailcrazy69 s kojim dobijete 10 % popusta.
Onda cure, kako Vam se sviđaju moji mačkovi na mjesečini?
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
PR product
Thank you, nailcrazy69
Check out nailcrazy69 blog
NYC Perfect Day, two coats, no topcoat, outside / dva sloja, bez nadlaka, vani
What you see is NYC 'Perfect Day', lovely pastel blue creme. The
formula of this polish is pretty much the same as the rest of pastel
colors - bit on a thicker side, and it misses that self-leveling quality
you'll found in most creme nail polishes. If that really bothers you -
this problem can be solved with topcoat, so in my book, this is not a
problem at all, especially when it comes to such a beautiful color. What
can I say, Tanja knows my taste too well
This is my first NYC polish, the bottle holds 9,7 ml, the brush is
medium wide, and drying time nice. And as you can probably guessed, I
love the color
Ovo što vidite na fotkama se odaziva na ime NYC 'Perfect Day',
krasan pastelno-plavi krem lak. Formula mu je ista kao i kod većine
pastelnih bojica - nešto gušći, i nedostaju mu onaj samoravnajući finiš
koji ćete naći kod većine krem lakova. Ukoliko Vam to baš smeta, problem
se riješi uz pomoć nadlaka, pa, što se mene tiče, to i nije baš neki
problem, naročito ako je u pitanju ovako krasna bojica. Što da kažem, Tanja predobro poznaje moj ukus
Ovo je moj prvi NYC lak, u bočici je 9,7 ml tekućine, četkica je
srednje široka, a vrijeme sušenja baš ugodno. I kao što vjerojatno
pogađate, krasna mi je boja
It was hard to separate from my last manicure,
so I decided to do gradient once more, but this time with blue shades.
With stamping, of course. But, there's more - that stamping needed some
editing, so I did that too.
Bilo mi se teško odvojiti od posljednje manikure,
pa sam se opet odlučila na gradijent, ovaj put u plavim nijansama. Sa
nešto pečatiranja, nego. No, ima još - pečat je trebalo malo i urediti,
pa sam napravila i to.
After doing the gradient in blue, I stamped the moon with stars, and cats beneath it. Those designs are on stamping plate F14, that I got from KKCenterHk online store
for a review. I had no problems with stamping, and all the images are
pretty cute and girly, as you can see on the photo above. After stamping
the cats with black polish, I colored them - one in black, the other in
white. After that I took some grey, trying to achieve game of shadows
for more 3D look. I'm not quite sure that I have succeed in that, but I
love the manicure anyway.
Of course, everything looks better when I'm drawing with my dominant
hand, so, even if I know that publishing photo with uneven nails I'm
risking the excommunication from nail bloggers community, I just have to
show you that too. I'll cut the rest when this poor baby grows just a
few millimeters, I don't have a heart to cut them now so short
Nakon što sam odradila plavi gradijent, ispečatirala sam mjesec sa zvjezdama, i mačkonje pod njima. Dizajn se nalazi na pločici za pečatiranje F14, koju sam od KKCenterhk online trgovine
dobila na recenziju. Nisam imala problema s pečatiranjem, sve su
sličice baš slatke i girly, kao što možete vidjeti na fotki gore. Nakon
što sam ispečatirala mačkonje, obojala sam ih - jednu crnom, drugu
bijelom. Dodala sam malo sive, trudeći se imitirati igru svjetla i sjene
za nešto plastičniji prikaz. Nisam baš sigurna koliko sam u tome
uspjela, no meni se manikura svejedno baš sviđa.
Narafski, kako to već ide, bolje mi ide crtanje dominantnom rukom,
pa, premda slutim da bi objavljivanje fotke s noktima nejednake duljine
moglo rezultirati ekskomunikacijom iz nail blogosfere, moram pokazati i
takvu. Ostatak noktiju će na rezanje kad ovaj jadničak izraste barem
milimetar-dva, nemam srca rezat si nokte tako kratko
What can I say... in the dark all the cat's aren't quite black, but all of them casting black shadows
If you like this image plate, you can found it here. Remember to use my nailcrazy69 code for 10 % off.
Now tell me girls, what do you think of my cats in the moonlight?
Što da Vam kažem - nisu sve mačke u mraku baš crne, ali sve bacaju crnu sjenu
Ukoliko Vam se pločica sviđa, možete je uzeti ovdje. Sjetite se pritom iskoristiti i kod nailcrazy69 s kojim dobijete 10 % popusta.
Onda cure, kako Vam se sviđaju moji mačkovi na mjesečini?
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
PR product
Thank you, nailcrazy69
Check out nailcrazy69 blog