Hi there!
Is this highlight of my summer or what!?
Možda je ovo zbilja vrhunac mog ljeta !?
*PR product
Is this highlight of my summer or what!?
Možda je ovo zbilja vrhunac mog ljeta !?
China Glaze 'highlight of my summer', two coats, no topcoat, outside / dva sloja, bez nadlaka, vani
This time I had more luck with my camera, think the color is pretty accurate. China Glaze 'highlight of my summer'
is gorgeous pastel/neon green that just can't go unnoticed. The formula
is not perfect, it's better if you wait a minute before polishing
another coat, that way you won't end up with bald spots. Drying time is
great, and finish is semi matte. This polish is part of China Glaze Sunsational collection. And I really, really love it
. No, I adore it
Ovog puta sam imala više sreće s fotićem, boja mi se čini prilično vjerodostojna. China glaze 'highlight of my summer'
je prekrasna pastelna/neon zelena koja jednostavno ne prolazi
nezapaženo. Formula baš i nije savršena, čini se mudrije sačekati minutu
prije nanošenja drugog sloja, ovako se preskoči nastajanje ćelavih
mjesta. Vrijeme sušenja je krasno, a finiš je polu mat, kao kod svih
neonaca. Ovaj je lak također dio China Glaze Sunsational kolekcije. I stvarno, stvarno ga voooolim
. Ne, obožavam ga je bolja riječ
The mustache stickers* I got from KKCenterHk for a review.
Brkate naljepnice* su stigle s KKCenterHk online trgovine na recenziju.
They look great, but when I applied topcoat, their corners started to lift up
Don't know why this happened, they just didn't want to stay down. It
was O.K. for a few hours, but when I took the shower almost half of
stickers was gone. Maybe the topcoat created the problem, maybe I
touched the glue... but it was pity anyway. That's why I prefer water
. If you still like them, you can check them out here.
So girls, would you wear 'highlight of my summer' with mustache or without them!?
Izgledaju baš otkačeno, ali kad sam ih pokrila nadlakom, krajevi su se počeli dizati
Nemam pojma zašto se to uopće desilo, i ma koliko ih pokušavala vratiti
nisu htjele ostati dolje. Par sati je ipak sve bilo u redu, no nakon
tuširanja pola je naljepnica nestalo. Možda je nadlak uzrok ovome, možda
sam ja dodirnula ljepilo... svejedno, šteta je ionako bila napravljena.
E, baš zato se držim vodenih naljepnica
. Ukoliko Vam se ipak sviđaju, možete ih nabaviti ovdje.
Dakle cure, izgleda li 'vrhunac mog ljeta' bolje s brkovima ili bez njih!?
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
*PR product
Thank you, nailcrazy69
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