Hi there!
Thank you, nailcrazy69
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I confess, this is manicure with premeditation. I wanted to play with these googly eyes once more
Last time I so forgot to tell you a thing or two about them. You missed
to see them in earlier manicure!? Don't cry, you can see it here.
Priznajem, ovo je totalno manikura s predumišljajem. Htjela sam se još koji put igrati s veselim okicama
Posljednji put sam bila tako začarana njima da sam sasvim zaboravila
napisati riječ ili dvije o njima. A Vi ste propustili taj post!? Ne
plačite, lako ga pogledate ovdje.
They coming from KKCenterhk.com site
which regularly supplies me with their nail art goodies. Googly eyes
come in a hard plastic jar, they claiming that there are 40 pcs in it,
but I think they missing one zero
These eyes are really tiny, only 3 mm in diameter, and that's why
appropriate for nail art. I don't use glue on them, I put some topcoat
on the place where I want them to be, and press them while the topcoat
is wet. When the manicure is done, I cover everything with topcoat
(which is kind tricky, because they really are tall from nail). I'm not
gonna tell you how they'll survive a week on your nails, but day or two
are pretty probable. You just have to wait until everything is really,
really dry before you do anything with those nails of yours.
Don't know about you, but I'm absolutely crazy about them, so you'll
probably see them few more times on this blog. If your inner child need
some food, you can treat him with adorable googly eyes, which can be
found here. While you're shopping, use 'nailcrazy69' code for 10% discount.
Stigle su s KKCenterhk.com stranice,
koja me redovito opskrbljuje nail art stvarčicama. Pokretne oči dolaze u
čvrstoj plastičnoj posudici, na stranici piše da ih je unutra 40, ali
meni se čini da im je promakla jedna nula
Oči su baš sitne, tek 3 mm u promjeru, zato se i daju koristiti za nail
art. Nisam koristila ljepilo već nadlak, kojeg bih stavila tamo gdje
želim očuljke, a onda ih pritisnula unutra dok je nadlak još mokar. Kad
je manikura bila gotovo, sve sam prekrila nadlakom (što baš i nije
najjednostavnije jer trebate manevrirati oko ovih očiju, a one su
prilično visoke). Neću Vam reći da će se na noktima održati tjedan dana,
ali dan ili dva (zavisi koliko ste pažljive, će sigurno izdržati). Meni
su recimo preživjele današnje spremanje ručka i pranje suđa što je
super. Samo morate pripaziti da je sve to jako, jako suho prije no što
se upustite u ikakve avanture.
Ne znam za Vas, ali ja sam totalno začarana ovim okicama, pa ćete ih
najvjerojatnije vidjeti još koji put. Ukoliko Vaše unutarnje dijete
treba hrane, počastite ga ovim okicama, naći ćete ih ovdje. Kad već kupujete, nije zgore ni da iskoristite kod 'nailcrazy69' s kojim dobijete 10% popusta.
Let me hear you, what do you think of these googly eyes, could you love them as much as I do!?
Da čujem i Vas, što mislite o pokretnim okicama, možete li ih voljeti onoliko koliko ih sama volim!?
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
PR sample
Thank you, nailcrazy69
Check out nailcrazy69 blog