2011年8月29日 星期一

Orange and Cranberry Cocktail Look +ES A399 Lashes quick review. by brittu00present

I did this look totally randomly,but ended up using an orange shade and cranberry shade from Coastal scents palette hence the yummy name and the sole point was to use my new KKCenterHk eyelashes.

Products Used:
  • Lakme 9to5 flawless makeup
  • Coastal Scents 88 Palette
  • Colossol Kajal
  • Colossol Volum' mascara
  • KKCenterHK ES A399 lashes (USD$6.50  for Lots of 10 pair)*

 The ES A399 lashes are super lush and I also used this in a random Barbie eyes look the other day,but because of the fact that i SUCK at false lash application,I  messed it up and liquid liner got on the lashes,and the liner went into my eyes too.I wasn't gonna share it initially but still this is not a contest and i make mistakes too. So here is the messed up look! :P :P

Have you tried KKCenterHk lashes?! Did you like the look?!! Do you have sucky falselash application technique like i do???! Lemme know through the comments!! :) :)

Buh-Bye For Now!

*PR/Brand Sample.
Read Disclosure Policy at the end of the page

Thank you, brittu00present
Check out brittu00present blog

Make/Swatches by estrelinha-estrelasbrilhantes

Olá lindas..

Venho vós mostrar um make simples para os dias de sol.. Também vou vós mostrar algumas cores desta paleta da loja KKCenterHK

A paleta é linda, tem umas cores incríveis.. São bem pigmentadas
O que acharam??

Esta paleta pode ser encontrada na loja KKCenterHK


Thank you, estrelinha-estrelasbrilhantes
Check out estrelinha-estrelasbrilhantes blog

Review YANQINA 36 Hour Lasting Waterproof Precision Liquid Eyeliner by valentinabucur

Hey girls! Astazi am fost la posta si mi-am ridicat coletul : eyeliner de la KKCENTERHK. Ei mi-au trimis acest eyeliner sa il testez. Am avut de ales dintre mai multe tusuri, dar eu l-am vrut pe acesta.

   Descriere oficiala:
Brand New With Original Retail Packing Box

100% Authentic

Smudge-proof and waterproof for 36 hours

Elongates your lash line to shape and define eyes like never before.

Our flexible felt tip glides on smoothly for the most precise control

No tugging, No Dragging

Net Weight :3g

     Descrierea mea:
 Pana acum nu am mai folosit un eyeliner cu un astfel de varf. Pana acum foloseam tusuri cu pensulica aceea subtire, care mi se pare tare incomoda. Imi place mult mai mult acest tip de varf, este mai comod, mai facil de folosit si mai precis. Citeam pe alte bloguri ca anumite persoane nu pot folosi tusuri cu acest tip de varf, insa mi se pare mult mai ok, plus ca pot face mai usor linii groase sau subtiri. La tusurile cu pensulica aceea subtire ma chinuiam sa fac o linie groasa si nu ieseau deloc egale. Eu sunt de parere ca daca folositi tus pentru prima oara sa incercati unul cu un astfel de varf. Bine, acum depinde si de rabdarea voastra si de preferinte. Mai jos vedeti o poza cu o linie groasa si una subtire. Nu am aplicat nimic pe pleoapa inainte, doar putin rimel dupa.

      Culoarea este foarte intensa si nu se intinde foarte rau in cazul in care atingi cu mana, in comparatie cu un tus pe care l-am folosit eu pana acum. Cat despre rezistenta lui la apa ... nu prea mi se pare foarte rezistent. Dupa ce am facut pozele de mai sus am folosit un demachiant care se aplica peste machiaj si apoi se clateste cu apa si s-a luat foarte usor. La celalalt ochi am clatit cu apa si a fost acelasi rezultat: l-am indepartat destul de usor. Insa pana nu m-am demachiat nu s-a intins, nu a curs, nimic. Daca nu te atingi de tus sta la locul lui.     *Totusi, nu am stat prea mult cu tusul aplicat. Daca voi observa ceva diferit cand am tusul aplicat pentru mai multe ore, voi face o modificare la acest post.

     O recapitulare cu privire la parerea mea despre acest eyeliner:
1. Plusuri:
   -culoare intensa
   -este precis
   -este usor de folosit datorita varfului
   -pentru prima utilizare, pare persistent si nu se intinde rau
   -consider ca 7.14 $ nu e foarte mult

2. Minusuri:
   -nu e rezistent la apa
     Merci, Blonde Kitten ca mi-ai dat un sfat in legatura cu aspectul blogului :) Sper ca noul aspect e mai ok :)
                          Pai cam atat pentru azi! Astept mail-urile voastre pentru orice parere&sfat.

Thank you, valentinabucur
Check out valentinabucur blog

From the Mail: KKCenterHK Lashes Overview by saytiocoartillero

From the Mail: KKCenterHK Lashes Overview

IMG_3756I was contacted by KKCenterHK about (2) months ago regarding their interest for me to review their lashes. Last August 8, I claimed the package from the Post Office and I was sent the ES A166. This is just going to be an overview on how the lashes look like—I will be posting more photos of myself wearing them in the next days!IMG_3760IMG_3762IMG_3763
You may actually say that they look “buhaghag”, but I’m telling you, these lashes are naturally great! Look how the lashes become longer towards the end. I have tried using a pair last Saturday, and I just love it. I’ll be doing a much formal and in-depth review on this in the coming days.IMG_3765IMG_3766

Thank you, saytiocoartillero
Check out saytiocoartillero blog

KKCenterHK A166 Lashes: Review By saytiocoartillero

Remember this post? http://saytiocoartillero.blogspot.com/2011/08/from-mail-kkcenterhk-lashes-overview.html Well, this is my official blog review on the A166 KKCenterHK Lashes. I really like the packaging of the lashes. They’re carefully stuck to plastic plates, housed with a sturdy, black cardboard box. A box contains 10 pairs of lashes. This particular design (A166) may look quite weird when you look at it, but it’s without a doubt the most natural looking lashes ever! Continue reading and see a photo of myself wearing them.DSC06034DSC06030The lashes are not plastic-y at all. They’re very flexible making it easier to maneuver it along the lashline. DSC06032DSC06033
A box costs $12.50. (PHP 531.59)
Go to http://www.kkcenterhk.com to order & for more products!
Here is a photo of myself wearing the A166 lashes on.IMG_4073

Thank you, saytiocoartillero
Check out saytiocoartillero blog

KKcenterHK - Volumizer Youqn by my-orange-island

Witajcie :) Dzisiaj recenzja kolejnego produktu, który otrzymałam w ramach uprzejmości firmy KKcenterHK, a konkretnie Volumize Yanquina Mascara, którą można kupić tutaj: >KLIK<

OPAKOWANIE: mascara zamknięta jest w plastikowym czarnym opakowaniu standardowych rozmiarów, z rózowymi napisami. To tusz typu dwie szczoteczki w jednej mascarze, kolejne szczoteczki oznaczone sa wyraźnie napisami STEP 1  i STEP 2. Niestety te napisy szybko się ścierają, nie używam tej mascary długo, wręcz przeciwnie, a po tuszowaniu mam na rekach brokat (choć napisy nie wydają się brokatowe), co średnio mi odpowiada. Mam nadzieję, że napisy z 'głównej części' zostaną ze mną dłużej :)

KONSYSTENCJA:  Tusz jest dosyć rzadki, co zauważamy dopiero w drugiej części tuszowania, dlatego trochę skleja rzęsy, jednak łatwo sobie z tym poradzić rozczesując je (ja używam szczoteczki po starym tuszu). Myśle jednak, że w miarę użytkowania tusz zgęstnieje, jak zazwyczaj sie dzieje w miarę dostawania się powietrza do opakowania, może zrobię porównanie za jakieś dwa miesiące ?

 Jak widać, przy drugim stopniu szczoteczka nabiera dużo większą ilość tuszu, przez co trzeba dosyc ostrożnie ją nakładać.
Jednak manewrowanie pierwszym stopniem to sama przyjemność. Prawie, ponieważ trzonek jest króciutki w porównaniu do reszty szczoteczki, przez co trochę niekomfortowo się ją trzyma (w sensie, szczoteczka wydaje mi się bardzo delikatna ).
Nazwałam ten proces przyjemnym, ponieważ efekt cieszy moje oko :)

po prawej rzęsy 'gołe i wesołe'

 Efekt jest bardzo delikatny, subtelny, rzęsy są delikatnie wydłużone, pięknie rozczesane.

Tutaj achów jest trochę mniej, rzęsy są świetnie wydłużone (przynajmniej jak na moje ), ale przy tym posklejane (choć tragedii nie ma). Mascara dobiła mi się trochę na powiece, co może zniszczyć jasny makijaż, ale myślę, że kiedy tusz troche zgęstnieje, problem zniknie. Mam nadzieję, że wtedy czas schnięcia się skróci, ponieważ tak jak pierwsza warstwa schnie w mgnieniu oka, tak STEP2 schnie trochę dłużej, co przy porannym pośpiechu może być zgubne.

Po rozczesaniu przestaję narzekać. Przecież to są jakby podwójne moje rzęsy! Efekt jest świetny, oprócz białej kredki nie potrzeba mi nic, a przynajmniej tak się czuję :)

Odbicia można zmyć, dla chcącego nic trudnego ;)

Co do trwałości, to przy STEP 1 rzęsy nie sa dobrze utrwalone, lekko sie 'rozcapierzają', przez co traci się efekt naturalnego wachlarza. Jednak przy STEP 2  rzęsy wytrzymuja tak samo kilka dobrych godzin, njie testowałam go do 7 rano do 9 wieczorem, ale przy zmywaniu po kilku godzinach noszenia stwierdziłam,  że spokojnie by wytrzymał :)

Właśnie. Zmywanie. Tusz jest bardzo trwały, przez co trzeba trochę wysiłku przy zmywaniu. Używam dwufazy z Marion cosmetics i o ile eyeliner schodzi po pierwszym razie, ten tusz sprawia trochę więcej problemów. Nie jest to jednak katorga, oko nie jest całe czerwone i nie krzyczy 'zabierz to ze mnie', wszystko idealnie schodzi ;)

Podsumowując, tusz bardzo przypadł mi do gustu, oprócz kilku niedogodnień, które można zwalczyć.
Dziękuję jeszcze raz firmie KKcenterHK za jego udostępnienie.

  Pozdrawiam :)

Thank you, my-orange-island
Check out my-orange-island blog

~Sponsored Post - Yanqina Volumizer Dual brush mascara~ by ravecandyprincess

So as you know recently I got my newest sponsor KKcenterHK! This is my first sponsored review for them!

So I got the email (it was actually sent to junk! so I'm glad I spotted it there and saved it!) and they asked for me to pick from two new ranges they had! (you should check them out ;D)
The first which was Landbis who I've seen some good reviews of their eyeliners! and the second was Yanqina who have a range of eye products! I was actually very torn over which item to choose but in the end I went for......

YANQINA 2 in 1 Classic & Dramatic Dazzle Mascara

I've been wanting to try a dual brush mascara ever since Lucie showed me they exsisted! and I just had to use this oppurtunity.

On their website the description is:

Step 1: Nautral and lifelike lashes definition.
Step 1 + Step 2 : Full-on dramatic & naughty lashes.
After 2 steps, Saturates lashes with the richest black and thick and delivered maximum payoff.

Just one product give you what you want in the best mascara.
Lasts all day without any flaking, smudging, smearing or streaking and water-resistant.
Even water-resistant, yet easy to remove

So when it arrived to me!

While it doesn't look like the most safe packaging I can say inside it was very well protected and it wasn't damaged at all! And it arrive in a VERY prompt time! I was impressed!

See! Well packed.

So here is an actual photo of the product

While it's nice packaging and shows simple instructions. My ONLY ONLY problem with this product....is that it's EXACTLY the same as the Bourjois Volumizer Mascara....

The only difference is the Yanqina one says Yanqina... and I don't know whether its an exact replica? or bourjois is branded differently where this is from but I'm hoping its the latter and they haven't just ripped off Bourjois!

RIGHT onto the actual testing of the product!!

As you can see this is my eye when I just have my base makeup on

Plain with near invisable eyelashes! (bar the one thats runnin away to the inner corner of my eye.....)

This was using step one brush!
(sorry its blurry!)
As you can see it just covers them. It's definately natural and not clumpy at all!!

Step two brush only!
As you can see it makes my lashes appear longer and thicker, it made my top lashes stick together a little but it didn't really look too bad from a distance!!

On the left hand side it's the step one brush! On the right is the step two brush! and I like this photo because you can REALLY see the difference between the two effects it gives, it definately does what it claims to in the way of brushes~~

After this I decided to then go over the step one eye with step two so it was BOTH brushes used on one eye
When I did the photos for this review it turned out a little messy and all over the place! but since then I've been using both brushes on the eye and I get a great look (similar to this!) I've found a technique I'm happy with!

So....now you see the mascara LOOKS good but how about its durability....once it was dry I then rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands...and nothing.....wore it all day and nothing ended up down my face.... I thought "Oh this is too good to be true I bet it will run down my face the moment water touches it..." So I had a shower with it on......when I came out...........IT HADN'T BUDGED?! I was VERY VERY impressed, even when I took the makeup off with wipes. It came off onto the wipe only! The old mascara I used always would rub halfway across my face when I tried to take it off.

I can safely reccomend this mascara to anyone and everyone! I give it a 99.9% out of 100%! the only mark of is seriously because of the unsurity with bourjois! All in all...I will be definately purchasing this one when I run out of this one! I love it ^_^!! Thank you KKCenterHK!!

Thank you, ravecandyprincess
Check out ravecandyprincess blog

Yesil Kirpiklerim...KKcenterhk sponsorlu by ferahfezas

Merhaba kizlar;

biliyorum bekliyorsunuz yesil kirpikleri...Sizler icin hazirladim bende.
Fotograflari ben cektim, E$imden once davranip,tripod sagolsun :)

Hadi baslayalim bakalim...

Gordugunuz gibi kirpikler yapiskanli geliyor,tabi kirpige yapistirmak icin yeterli degil,yapistirici surmek zorundasiniz...Ne guzeller dimi ^^

Burada makyajim...Kirpik icin uygun olsun diye yaptim...
Yesil kalemle cizdim cizgileri,farkli oldu ama elim de alismis :)

Kirpikleri taktim,sacimi nasil yapsam sorunsali...
Bu kez kirpikleri tek seferde taktim,kolay oldu.Siz de alisirsiniz kizlar,deneyin ;)
Ama sacim sorun cikardi bu kez :) Sekilden sekle soktum :)

Acsam mi toplasam mi bilemedim...
Makineniz dijitalse durmadan fotograf cekme sansiniz oluyor,uzaktan kumandasi ile cekin durun :) Iyi kareyi yakalayana kadar...

Bilerek kirptim fotolari....KKcenter'da benim kadar cok pozu olan,ugrasan yok...Kirpikse 2-3 kirpik fotosu cekip birakmislar hep,birkac kisi var,super makyaj filan yapan...
Ben de bu kez kirptim ^_^

Biliyorsunuz canli renkleri seviyorum <3
Sacimin ilk hali...
Ve sirin kirpikler...

Sonra sacimi actim...
Icime sinmedi...

Kirpiklere baska bir bakis...

Sonra sacimi topladim...Sizin icin fotograflaro 2-3-4 kolaj yaptim ki daha cok foto olsun ve kirpikleri ve makyaji gorebilin diye ^^

Peruk nerde mi dediniz????

Peruksuz cikmam gibi oldu :) Emektar peruk yine ise yaradi :)
Maksat eglence olsun...

Kirpik taktiginizda, asagiya bakarken cekilen fotograflar super oluyor.Kirpigi daha cok gosteriyor...

Bir de;soran arkadaslar oluyor, kirpiklerin hicbir agirligi yok! Tuy gibi hafifler...
Abartili olduklarina bakmayin,hic agirlik yapmiyorlar.

Perukla devam....Fiyonk tac'siz da olmaz ^^

Ojelerimi de yesil kirpiklere uysun diye hazirlamistim...
Water decal yaptim, baska postta anlatacagim...

(tuylu kirmizi kupe ve pembis tisort,dostlarimdan gelen,eklemek istedim)

1 boy ufaltarak ekledim fotolari...Kimisini...Cok olunca...
Ojeleri gosterme cabalarim...
Ne bulsam kafama gecirme halleri...
Kirpikleri cikarmamak icin zaman kazanmak :P
Cunku cok guzellerdi...

Biliyorsunuz ki kirpik sponsorum KKCenterHk...
Sagolsunlar,surekli yenisini yolluyorlar,ovgulerini eksik etmiyorlar.
Tekrar tesekkur ediyorum kendilerine...
Bu soguk ulkede, an'larima eglence katiyorlar...

Verdigim linkten bakin,super kirpikler var,ozellikle farkli olanlarin linkini verdim ;)
Ne cesitler var sasiracaksiniz, fiyatlari da cok uygun...Ozel gunler icin denenebilir...
Benden onermesi ;)


Bunlar da ojelerim ve water decal sticker'lar...
(bilmeyenler icin,suya sokup islem yapiyorsunuz, sonra anlatacagim)


Begendiniz mi yesil kirpiklerimi???

(kiro kiro yorum yazan,evli insana saygisi olmayan insanlar,sizin sacma sapan yorumlarinizi yayinlamami beklemeyin...Gidin baska yerde takilin siz...En gicik oldugum seyler listemde 1. siraya sizi de ekliyorum)

Thank you, ferahfezas
Check out ferahfezas blog