2011年11月29日 星期二
Paczuszka od KKcenterHK + rabat by amore-cosmetici
Kilka dni temu przyszła do mnie kolejna paczuszka (już chyba trzecia) od KKcenterHK, a w środku znajdowały się dwie ozdóbki - naklejki - na paznokcie. Mogłam sobie wybrać kolory (miły gest z ich strony).
Mam też niespodziankę dla was. Mianowicie otrzymałam kupon rabatowy, który możecie wykorzystać robiąc zakupy na stronie ów firmy. Zachęcam ;)
Kod: BLGB141KA10
Rabat: 10%
Data ważności kodu: 28 lutego 2012
Rabat: 10%
Data ważności kodu: 28 lutego 2012
Jutro pobawię się nowymi zdobyczami i sprezentuję wam efekty na paznokciach~~ Mam nadzieję, że wyjdzie mi coś, co będę mogła pokazać światu.
Miłego `łikendu`, pa! ♥
Thank you, amore-cosmetici
Check out amore-cosmetici blog
Check out amore-cosmetici blog
Review: KKcenterHK NNail nail decals by lavieenbeaute
Okay, this review is long overdue. I really just misplaced the nail stickers until recently, so here it goes.
Basically this is a cheaper take on the nail stickers craze started by Sally Hansen and Avon. These are prints though; I have the black and white checkerboard print.
These are shown after 5 days of wear. They’re kind of tricky to put onto the nail because they just stick and its kind of hard if you’re not experienced to pull it off without ripping the sticker. However, I did manage to apply several nails without trouble (usually my second, third and thumb nails since I’ve been told I have small nail beds.)
I put a coat of top coat on my nail afterwards but it began having small chips after one day; noticeable chips after three. These come in a flat silver rectangle packet that you rip open and pull out a strip of plastic that has the 10 decals enclosed within. There are enough for two manicures. However, these retail for $6.32 USD available here. I might repurchas more decals from N.Nail, but maybe not whole length nail ones (or probably not these entire nail sized ones from any brand as I’m not particularly good with the decals!)
These are available at KKcenterhk.com.
*Disclaimer: A KKcenterHK representative sent this to me for consideration and review. For more information, please visit Disclaimer and Copyright information.
Thank you, lavieenbeaute
Check out lavieenbeaute blog
Basically this is a cheaper take on the nail stickers craze started by Sally Hansen and Avon. These are prints though; I have the black and white checkerboard print.

NNail sticker

NNail Sticker

NNail Sticker
*Disclaimer: A KKcenterHK representative sent this to me for consideration and review. For more information, please visit Disclaimer and Copyright information.
Thank you, lavieenbeaute
Check out lavieenbeaute blog
Nail Art, Black Flowers by happynailsbymada
With me is basically saying, and you have :) tova1 wrote that she would like to see the flower. Here it is:) Decoration I made with the help of KKcenterHK plate B38. The basecoat I used China Glaze, Fifth Avenue. Performed the same pattern while Essence, Stamp me! Black.
U mnie to w zasadzie mówisz i masz :) tova1 pisała, że chciałaby zobaczyć tego kwiatuszka. Oto i on :) Zdobienie wykonałam przy pomocy płytki B38 od KKcenterHK. Za lakier bazowy posłużył mi China Glaze, Fifth Avenue. Natomiast sam wzorek wykonałam Essence, Stamp me! Black.
Thank you, happynailsbymada
Check out happynailsbymada blog
U mnie to w zasadzie mówisz i masz :) tova1 pisała, że chciałaby zobaczyć tego kwiatuszka. Oto i on :) Zdobienie wykonałam przy pomocy płytki B38 od KKcenterHK. Za lakier bazowy posłużył mi China Glaze, Fifth Avenue. Natomiast sam wzorek wykonałam Essence, Stamp me! Black.
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Źródło: http://www.kkcenterhk.com |
This product was made available to me for review by the KKcenterHK company.
Ten produkt został mi udostępniony do recenzji przez firmę KKcenterHK.
Ten produkt został mi udostępniony do recenzji przez firmę KKcenterHK.
Thank you, happynailsbymada
Check out happynailsbymada blog
Ballerina Brand False Eyelashes - CM425 by alice-in-ponderland
These are more of the ever so vauable false eyelashes from kkCenterHK.com. This time is the CM425 lash by the brand Ballerina. You get 10 in a pack, for $13.90, which by my calculations, makes them about 88p per pair. Yes, 88p per pair, annnnnd they're actually really good lashes!
I have never used a criss-cross style of lash before, so was really interested to see what they looked like once they were on. They were a little too long for my eyes, so I cut them down leaving the longest lashes at the outer corner of my eye. I found them fairly stiffly routed in their curved position they'd been packaged in, but once you give them a firm wiggle they're much easier to work with.
Although they are obviously false, I think they look fairly natural as they are not super-thick.
What do you think?
KKCenterHK is based in Hong Kong, but they ship internationally cheaply - the highest shipping cost works out at around £3.75 for delivery within 2 to 3 days! They sell all different types of lashes as well as these, but I would highly recommend the CM425.
Thank you, alice-in-ponderland
Check out alice-in-ponderland blog
I have never used a criss-cross style of lash before, so was really interested to see what they looked like once they were on. They were a little too long for my eyes, so I cut them down leaving the longest lashes at the outer corner of my eye. I found them fairly stiffly routed in their curved position they'd been packaged in, but once you give them a firm wiggle they're much easier to work with.
Although they are obviously false, I think they look fairly natural as they are not super-thick.
What do you think?
KKCenterHK is based in Hong Kong, but they ship internationally cheaply - the highest shipping cost works out at around £3.75 for delivery within 2 to 3 days! They sell all different types of lashes as well as these, but I would highly recommend the CM425.
Thank you, alice-in-ponderland
Check out alice-in-ponderland blog
Overview: KKCenterHK Hand-Made Black Wispy Plumes Leather Fake False Lashes by saytiocoartillero
KKCenterHK was kind enough to send me these wonderful, dramatic lashes after my first review on their A166 Lashes (read A166 overview here and review here)

These are the Hand-made Black Wispy Plumes Leather Fake False Lashes. I have yet to try these out for an over-the-top dramatic makeup tutorial. I bet these would look great and would definitely give the whole look more oomph.
The plumes are extra long as you can see in the photos, and the lash bands are neatly glued to the lash plate. It’s quite odd how the left lash looks a bit “bald” on the quarter end—but I guess that’s the way it was meant to look like!

I hope you stay tuned for my upcoming tutorial using these babies!
If you want to try out KKCenterHK lashes, go to:
Thank you, saytiocoartillero
Check out saytiocoartillero blog
These are the Hand-made Black Wispy Plumes Leather Fake False Lashes. I have yet to try these out for an over-the-top dramatic makeup tutorial. I bet these would look great and would definitely give the whole look more oomph.
The plumes are extra long as you can see in the photos, and the lash bands are neatly glued to the lash plate. It’s quite odd how the left lash looks a bit “bald” on the quarter end—but I guess that’s the way it was meant to look like!
I hope you stay tuned for my upcoming tutorial using these babies!
If you want to try out KKCenterHK lashes, go to:
Thank you, saytiocoartillero
Check out saytiocoartillero blog
KKcenterHK by piinkshot
Hej, pokażę Wam dzisiaj jak można ciekawie ozdobić paznokcie. Naklejki dostałam od sklepu http://www.kkcenterhk.com. Przesyłka doszła po niecałym tygodniu. Bardzo szybko biorąc pod uwagę, że szła z Hong Kongu ;)
Przechodząc do rzeczy, wybrałam wzór X&D Full Nail Art Water Decals- 108
Thank you, piinkshot
Check out piinkshot blog
Przechodząc do rzeczy, wybrałam wzór X&D Full Nail Art Water Decals- 108
Na odwrocie opakowania znajdziemy instrukcję.
Wycinamy naklejkę, zdejmujemy z niej folię i wrzucamy do wody na około 10 sekund. Następnie przykładamy ją do paznokcia, dociskamy uważając aby dobrze przylegała, opiłowujemy niepotrzebną nam końcówkę i przeciągamy wszystko lakierem.
I cieszymy się efektem.
W opakowaniu znajduje się niestety tylko 10 naklejek więc trzeba być ostrożnym i nic nie popsuć :)
Takie zdobienie paznokcie nie jest trudne, ale dla nie wprawionej ręki przydałyby się dwie zapasowe sztuki.
Co sądzicie o takich paznokciach? Podobają Wam się ? ;)
Thank you, piinkshot
Check out piinkshot blog
{ sponsored post } Poodle nail decals ♪ by kongouseki-yume
Although this is a sponsored post, sponsored by KKCenterHK, and all opinions that are stated are my own!
Today I'm going to review something really cute; poodle nail decals.
Link to the page on KKCenterHK
Nail decals are a really simple easy way of having cute nail art that doesn't take a whole lot of time.
Design ♪

The design is really cute!
Who can resist poodles, bows and polka dots right?
You get 20 decals so enough for two sets of nails or even more if you decide to use the decals on feature nails instead.
What you can't see is that the dots that are shaped like a half moon actually also have a white poodle in the middle of the dots so I was pleasantly surprised when I found that out.
Application ♪
Decals are really easy to apply.
All you need for this part is a pair of scissors, a glass or small bowl of water and a pair of tweezers or a cuticle stick.

So you cut the decals into seperate squares~

And then dip them into the water. They only really need a minute in the water. Really you need to leave decals in water until they easily slide off the paper and a minute was the most these needed.

Then you get the decal off the paper. I used the pointed end of a cuticle stick for this but tweezers are really good for this too.

And then place it where you want it on the nail!
Simple, right?
You then dab your nail with a bit of cotton wool to get the excess water off and so they dry a bit faster, and when they're dry add a clear top coat.
End look ♪

Left hand~

Right hand~
So cute! You can see the illustrious white poodle I couldn't see when it was on the backing.
I actually really love these.
Review ♪
(I'm using a different review way from last time. 5 out of 5 hearts means I love something X3)
Design ♥♥♥♥♥
Application ♥♥♥♥♥
End look ♥♥♥♥♥
As you've kinda guessed, I have nothing I can say bad about these! Very easy and quick to apply and they make really cute nail art. I also have to say that I've been wearing these decals for about four days now and the design hasn't broke or been ruined at all by anything.
And on KKCenterHK they have so many different designs to choose from that you're actually spoilt for choice! I've got a lot of the decals on there on my wishlist~
Thank you, kongouseki-yume
Check out kongouseki-yume blog
Today I'm going to review something really cute; poodle nail decals.
Link to the page on KKCenterHK
Nail decals are a really simple easy way of having cute nail art that doesn't take a whole lot of time.
Design ♪

The design is really cute!
Who can resist poodles, bows and polka dots right?
You get 20 decals so enough for two sets of nails or even more if you decide to use the decals on feature nails instead.
What you can't see is that the dots that are shaped like a half moon actually also have a white poodle in the middle of the dots so I was pleasantly surprised when I found that out.
Application ♪
Decals are really easy to apply.
All you need for this part is a pair of scissors, a glass or small bowl of water and a pair of tweezers or a cuticle stick.

So you cut the decals into seperate squares~

And then dip them into the water. They only really need a minute in the water. Really you need to leave decals in water until they easily slide off the paper and a minute was the most these needed.

Then you get the decal off the paper. I used the pointed end of a cuticle stick for this but tweezers are really good for this too.

And then place it where you want it on the nail!
Simple, right?
You then dab your nail with a bit of cotton wool to get the excess water off and so they dry a bit faster, and when they're dry add a clear top coat.
End look ♪

Left hand~

Right hand~
So cute! You can see the illustrious white poodle I couldn't see when it was on the backing.
I actually really love these.
Review ♪
(I'm using a different review way from last time. 5 out of 5 hearts means I love something X3)
Design ♥♥♥♥♥
Application ♥♥♥♥♥
End look ♥♥♥♥♥
As you've kinda guessed, I have nothing I can say bad about these! Very easy and quick to apply and they make really cute nail art. I also have to say that I've been wearing these decals for about four days now and the design hasn't broke or been ruined at all by anything.
And on KKCenterHK they have so many different designs to choose from that you're actually spoilt for choice! I've got a lot of the decals on there on my wishlist~
Thank you, kongouseki-yume
Check out kongouseki-yume blog
KKcenterHK - Hand Made Pink And Blue Plumes Pattern Round Feather Lash - sztuczne rzęsy by siulka
- BARDZO oryginalne :D
- bardzo dobra cena jak na tak spektakularne, teatralne rzęsy - 3,69$ - Hand Made Pink And Blue Plumes Pattern Round Feather Lash [FE192], można płacić przez PayPal
- piękny teatralny efekt - na pewno nie na co dzień, ale na szalone imprezy jak znalazł - efekt typowo na zabawy karnawałowe itp! Tylko dla odważnych ;)
- w komplecie był klej :D
- możliwość wielokrotnego użytku
- sztywne, czuć je na oku
- ciężko się patrzy - ładuję się w pole widzenia, ale da się przyzwyczaić
Mogłyby być wygodniejsze, ale nie narzekam - taki efekt z założenia nie kojarzy się z wygodą :D. Idealne na nadchodzący karnawał - mnie zainspirowały do stworzenia makijażu a la rajski ptak :). Jeżeli szukacie czegoś co przyciągnie spojrzenia na imprezie - najlepiej przebieranej, to są dobrym wyborem. Ponadto można ich użyć kilkakrotnie ;).
Bardzo dziękuję KKcenterHK za udostępnienie rzęs do testów :).
- Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream #23 - BB krem
- SkinFood - Peach&Sake Silky Finish Powder - puder wykończeniowy
- Art Deco - Eyeshadow base - baza pod cienie do powiek
- Sleek - iDivine - Acid - intensywny różowy cień posłużył jako róż do policzków, oraz cień do powiek (wewnętrzny kącik oka)
- Sleek - iDivine - Oh So Special - paleta cieni do powiek (kolor smolistej, matowej czerni)
- Sleek - iDivine - Caribbean Curacao - paleta cieni do powiek (turkus Blue Lagoon - na dolnej powiece)
- Hand Made Pink And Blue Plumes Pattern Round Feather Lash [FE192] - sztuczne rzęsy
- Sleek - True Color Lipstick - Baby Doll - szminka
Thank you, siulka
Check out siulka blog
- BARDZO oryginalne :D
- bardzo dobra cena jak na tak spektakularne, teatralne rzęsy - 3,69$ - Hand Made Pink And Blue Plumes Pattern Round Feather Lash [FE192], można płacić przez PayPal
- piękny teatralny efekt - na pewno nie na co dzień, ale na szalone imprezy jak znalazł - efekt typowo na zabawy karnawałowe itp! Tylko dla odważnych ;)
- w komplecie był klej :D
- możliwość wielokrotnego użytku
- sztywne, czuć je na oku
- ciężko się patrzy - ładuję się w pole widzenia, ale da się przyzwyczaić
Mogłyby być wygodniejsze, ale nie narzekam - taki efekt z założenia nie kojarzy się z wygodą :D. Idealne na nadchodzący karnawał - mnie zainspirowały do stworzenia makijażu a la rajski ptak :). Jeżeli szukacie czegoś co przyciągnie spojrzenia na imprezie - najlepiej przebieranej, to są dobrym wyborem. Ponadto można ich użyć kilkakrotnie ;).
Bardzo dziękuję KKcenterHK za udostępnienie rzęs do testów :).
- Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream #23 - BB krem
- SkinFood - Peach&Sake Silky Finish Powder - puder wykończeniowy
- Art Deco - Eyeshadow base - baza pod cienie do powiek
- Sleek - iDivine - Acid - intensywny różowy cień posłużył jako róż do policzków, oraz cień do powiek (wewnętrzny kącik oka)
- Sleek - iDivine - Oh So Special - paleta cieni do powiek (kolor smolistej, matowej czerni)
- Sleek - iDivine - Caribbean Curacao - paleta cieni do powiek (turkus Blue Lagoon - na dolnej powiece)
- Hand Made Pink And Blue Plumes Pattern Round Feather Lash [FE192] - sztuczne rzęsy
- Sleek - True Color Lipstick - Baby Doll - szminka
Thank you, siulka
Check out siulka blog