Valentine's Day is near so I thought I would show you some manicures for this holiday. I just received two stamping plates from KkCenterhk with some hearts on them, so I am going to use them.
Ziua indragostitilor se apropie si m-am gandit sa va arat niste manichiuri pentru aceasta sarbatoare. Tocmai am primit doua stampile de la KKCenterhk cu inimioare pe ele, asa ca am sa le folosesc.
The design is simple, but I think is really cute and you get it really fast. On the ring finger I applied some lila velvet.
Modelul este simplu, insa cred ca este cute si se poate realiza rapid. Pe inelar am aplicat catifea lila.
For the base layer I used essie 263 full steam ahead, it is the mini version and part of a set summer 2013 collection that I got for Christmas from my sister. It applied well in two layers and in the bottle you can see small glitters, but on the nails it isn't that obvious.
Ca baza am folosit essie 263 full steam ahead, este versiunea mici si este parte dintr-un set colectia de vara 2013 care am primit-o de Craciun de la sora mea. Se aplica bine in doua straturi si in sticla se pot vedea particule mici de gliter, dar pe unghii nu este asa evident. I stamped little heart with the NNAIL-SPPNA07 soft stamping. It is easy and you have tutorials on the website on how to use it, you only need the stamp, nail polish and a tissue. I can wait to test the other designs.
Am stampilat inimioare cu NNAIL-SPPNA07 soft stamping.Este usor si aveti tutorial pe site cum sa il folositi, aveti nevoie doar de stampila, oja si un servetel. Abia astept sa incerc celelalte modele.
What do you think about the manicure, would you try it?
Ce parere aveti despre manichiura, ati incerca-o?
All the best,
Thank you, o-fata-simpla
Check out o-fata-simpla blog
Ziua indragostitilor se apropie si m-am gandit sa va arat niste manichiuri pentru aceasta sarbatoare. Tocmai am primit doua stampile de la KKCenterhk cu inimioare pe ele, asa ca am sa le folosesc.
The design is simple, but I think is really cute and you get it really fast. On the ring finger I applied some lila velvet.
Modelul este simplu, insa cred ca este cute si se poate realiza rapid. Pe inelar am aplicat catifea lila.
For the base layer I used essie 263 full steam ahead, it is the mini version and part of a set summer 2013 collection that I got for Christmas from my sister. It applied well in two layers and in the bottle you can see small glitters, but on the nails it isn't that obvious.
Ca baza am folosit essie 263 full steam ahead, este versiunea mici si este parte dintr-un set colectia de vara 2013 care am primit-o de Craciun de la sora mea. Se aplica bine in doua straturi si in sticla se pot vedea particule mici de gliter, dar pe unghii nu este asa evident. I stamped little heart with the NNAIL-SPPNA07 soft stamping. It is easy and you have tutorials on the website on how to use it, you only need the stamp, nail polish and a tissue. I can wait to test the other designs.
Am stampilat inimioare cu NNAIL-SPPNA07 soft stamping.Este usor si aveti tutorial pe site cum sa il folositi, aveti nevoie doar de stampila, oja si un servetel. Abia astept sa incerc celelalte modele.

Ce parere aveti despre manichiura, ati incerca-o?
All the best,
Thank you, o-fata-simpla
Check out o-fata-simpla blog