These are currently my everyday wear bottoms lashes as I ran out of DollyWink No.5 boo! You can dress them up or down depending on the mood/occasion with eye shadow, for a more dramatic look I say apply dark eyeshadow right where the outer lashbone is & smudge it out 3mm outwards. For a sweet look just skip the bottom shadow or wear a very subtle shade.

Clear lash band, GREAT for bottom lashes! Since the band is clear, the lashes are wrapped around the band instead of meshed in between... So... I'm saying.. If you for some reason end up buying this (awesome!) pack of lashes & do not like the design you can easily whip out a pair of tweezers & start creating your own designs by moving the individual hairs around.
I got to work with one used pair & here is my *scratches head* DUP of DollyWink No.5 made from this lash style.

Ok.. Maybe super hairy version of DollyWink No.5... or maybe not? I design my own design yay! Now someone refer me to Tsubasa, I have new lash design potential ;P
*Camwhore pics & more chatter to follow*

Although these are so damn cheap they're not shitty as I know some of you may be thinking!! They're really sturdy lashes unlike my beloved DollyWinks, seriously No.5 was so fragile & the lashes kept slipping off the lash band, I think I bought 4 packs so far, f***k & you only get two pairs in that, double f*******k! These ES A68 don't move around the lash band much unless there's been a lot of force taking them off or tweezing bits of glue out.
I also bet I can re-use one pair for 3 months, one pair.. Challenge accepted!
Ohyeah, KKCenterHK sent them so quick! They contacted me & then BAM, their stuff is right at my door step wtf. I didn't even know they sent it yet, I am obviously impressed & amazed it was a nice surprise. Just so you know it took like 3 business days to get to me, I didn't include the weekend but if I did 5 days.
I recommend KKCenterHK for cheap wholesale priced lashes, wigs etc they have loads to offer. Definitely say these lashes are worth a try, the only con I can say about the lashes is that they're not as long as I expected but that's coming from a dramatic lash.... Must haver hahaha I'm not going to say freak! Other than that, I really like them enough to make them my daily lashes now.
If you're interested et yourself a pair here
ES Clear Band Between Thick Lower [ES A68]
Check out KKCenterHK's variety of goodies here
PS. I am aware I spelled BadBarbie wrong in the watermark :(
PPS. If you're wondering I'm wearing DollyWink No.2 as top lashes.
Thank you, thebadbarbie
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Check out thebadbarbie blog