Danas sam opet svetlela u mraku :). Tj, barem moji nokti jesu. Iako
mi vec padaju sulude ideje na pamet, kako bi mogla ovim lakovima
iscrtati nesto po mobilnom, ili casama :).
Jos jedan svetleci lak koji sam dobila od divne Maggie iz kkcenterhk.com . Lak je EBALAY Purple Translucent Glow Luminous Nail Polish (EBALAY-Glow-003).
sam ovaj lak preko providnog laka za nokte, kako bi videla kakav je sam po
sebi. Na mojim noktima su tri sloja (ocekivala sam da cu nekada dobiti punu
pokrivenost, ali je previse providan, tako da je najbolje lakirati ga preko
nekog drugog laka), a da bi zasvetleo u mraku, potrebna su bila dva sloja. Jedini
problem koji sam imala, nije hteo da se potpuno osusi ni posle sat i po
vremena. Mozda je bila moja greska, jer sam nanosila podeblje slojeve, ali
nisam sigurna. Takodje, da li ste ikada pokusale da uslikate ljubicasti lak na
noktima? Ako jeste, sigurno znate koliko je to tesko. A sad zamislite kako je
sa ljubicastim lakom koji svetli u mraku... Posle oko 50 fotografija, evo onih
koje su uspele :).
Today I glowed in the dark again :).
At least my nail were. Although, some crazy ideas are crossing my mind,
like doing some art with these polishes on my cellphone, or glasses :).
Another glowing nail polish that I got for lovely Maggie from kkcenterhk.com. Nail polish is EBALAY Purple Translucent Glow Luminous Nail Polish (EBALAY-Glow-003).
applied this nail polish over clear base coat, so I can see how does it look
like. On my nails, there are three coats (I expected to achieve full coverage,
but it's too sheer, so it's best to apply it over colored nail polish), and he
started glowing in dark after second coat. Only problem I had was, it didn't
dried completely after an hour and a half. Maybe it was my mistake, because I
applied thicker coats, but I'm not sure. Also, have you ever tried to take
picture of a purple nail polish? If you have, then you probably know how hard
it is. And now imagine taking picture of purple nail polish that glows in the
dark... After about 50 pictures taken,
here are the ones that look good :).
Sta mislite o svetlecem ljubicastom? Ja sam odusevljena :).
Ako zelite ovakav lak, mozete ga naci na kkcenterhk za 9.05$ gde mozete iskoristiti i kod za 10% popusta : BLGA343MA10.
What do you think about glowing purple? I love it :)
If you want this kind of polish, you can order it on kkcenterhk for 9.05$ where you can use coupon for 10% discount : BLGA343MA10.
This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.
Thank you, nailsfromfairytale
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