2012年6月22日 星期五

KKCenterHK Stamping Plate Review (SPPMB06) by zebra-nails

Hi girls!
I'm sorry I had to remove my blogroll for a while because of the malware problems on some blogs .
Ok, here is N.NAIL - SPPMB06. It is the second stamping plate that I've got from KKCenterHK for review.
It came in the same blue packaging as the previous one.
The designes on this plate just screamed for a blue base . I used Avon Blue Shock and stamped using L'ambre Noir some black nail polish. The designes transfered well, but I should wait longer before applying a top coat.

Sunlight. Without flash.

Sunlight. Without flash.

Sunlight. Without flash.

Sunlight. Without flash.

You can purchase this image plate for 5,05 $ on the KKCenterHK.
Don't forget that you can use code: BLGA350IR10 for 10% off.

*Some of the product(s) in this post was(were) sent me for review. For more information read my Disclosure Policy.

Thank you, zebra-nails
Check out  zebra-nails blog

