I was recently contacted by KKCenterHk to review some products of my choosing. I've really been interested in 3d nail art lately so one of the things I chose in my little review package were some white square studs. I liked these for 2 reasons - they're WHITE and they're bigger than the normal studs most nail art supply houses carry.
Here is how they look in the package:
You get approx. 100 per package. They are 4mm square, hard white plastic. They have a beveled edge and are kind of pearly.
They retail for USD $4.90 per package.
And here is how I used them in my nail art for today!
This manicure consists of the following components:
Base - Essie Barefoot & Topless
Next Layer - Julep Mila
Next Layer - Wet n Wild 2% Milk
Next Layer - Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday
Next Layer - Hard Candy Matte Top Coat
Then I did another layer of Matte top coat and applied my studs with a pick'r upper tool I got from Sally Beauty.
I love the size and the color of these studs SOO much. Though for sure they would work best on longer, flatter nail beds. But still pretty cool with my nubbers!
Check out KKCenterHk - they have a TON of cool nail art along with other beauty supplies. They also have offered my readers a 10% Coupon:
This product was provided to me for review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own.

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