2013年1月9日 星期三

KKCenterHK - mimididi 3D Diamond Powder EyeShadow Review & Makeup by lonelyness46makeup

Buna fetelor! Azi am pregatit un mic review la fardurile mono de la mimididi pe care le gasiti pe www.kkcenterhk.com. La sfarsit gasiti si machiajul pe care l-am realizat folosind cele 3 culori.
Daca doriti sa achizitionati ceva de pe site folositi codul "lonelyness46" si aveti 10% reducere.

Hello! Today I have for you a quick review on the  mimididi 3D Diamond Powder EyeShadow from www.kkcenterhk.com. At the end you can see the makeup look that I did ​​using this 3 eye shadows.
For 10% off use the coupon code "lonelyness46".

Am ales fardurile 28 un alb foarte sidefat , 29 un mov inchis cu particule de sclipici argintii si 06 un maro "taupe" tot cu particule de sclipici argintii . Din pacate unul dintre ele a ajuns spart :(

I got the no. 28 a really shimmery white, 29 a dark purple with silver glitter and 06 a taupe also with silver glitter particles. Unfortunately one of them was broken :(

Dupa cum puteti vedea are o oglinda si un aplicator. E mai mare decat un fard obisnuit, dar ambalajul nu e prea grozav, pare ieftin, avand in vedere pretul care nu e tocmai mic...27lei.

As you can see it has a mirror and a sponge applicator. It is bigger than a normal eyeshadow but the packaging is not so great, looks cheap...considering the price which is 7.85$

Am pus o poza ca sa vedeti cat este in comparatie cu o paleta/fard Sleek.

Here is a picture so you can see the size difference between this shadow and a Sleek one.

Culori metalice, sidefate, cu multe particule de sclipici, destul de pigmentate, nu sunt prafoase.

Metallic, shimmery colors, with lots of glitter particles, quite pigmented and not dusty.

... si acum  machiajul...
... and now the makeup...

Sper ca v-a placut! Hope you liked it!

Thank you, lonelyness46makeup
Check out lonelyness46makeup blog

