2013年3月4日 星期一

Detroit Metal City manikir By cajkinekandze

U nedelju sam išla na projekciju anime Detroit Metal City na ChibiConu, a taman su mi sa sajta KKCenterHK stigle dekoracije za prikladan manikir. Predstavljam vam srebrne ringlice NNAIL-DRN633.

On Sunday I went to the showing of anime series Detroit Metal City at BelgradeChibiCon, and studs from KKCenterHK arrived just in time for me to make an occasion-fitting mani. I present you silver eyelets NNAIL-DRN633.
Ovo su tanke metalne ringlice prečnika 5 mm. Potpuno su ravne, što ih čini nezgodnima za zakrivljenu površinu nokta, ali metal je dovoljno mekan i elastičan da se malim klještima može iskriviti i prilagoditi obliku nokta. Ja sam samo jednu iskrivila kako bih videla da li se to može učiniti, a ostale sam ostavila u originalnom obliku da bih proverila da li su nosive u manikiru. U pakovanju je oko 50 komada, što je dovoljno za nekoliko punih manikira, a njihov tačan broj zavisi od dužine i veličine vaših noktiju. Meni staju po dve na svaki nokat osim palca, gde staju četiri, a možda bi mogla da se uglavi i peta.

These are thin metal eyelets, 5 mm in diameter. They are flat, which makes them unsuitable for curvature of the nail, but the metal is soft and elastic and can be twisted with small pliers. I curved only one to see if it can be done and left the rest in their original shape to see if they can be effectively used in a manicure. The packaging holds about 50 pieces, which is enough for several full manis, depending on your nail length and size. I can fit two of these on each of my nails except my thumb nails, where I can fit four and maybe even five.

Za bazu sam upotrebila Essence Metallics Metal Battle (sve da bude u skladu sa animom, čak i naziv laka :D). Sačekala sam da se osuši prvi sloj laka na svim noktima, a zatim sam primenila sistem kao za magnetne lakove - namazala bih jedan nokat i u svež lak utisnula ringlice pa zatim prešla na naredni nokat. Ivice ringlica su dosta odstojale od mojih noktiju i zaista sam se plašila da se neće održati. Zato sam nanela bogat sloj bezbojnog laka i potom sloj Seche Vite kako bih sve učvrstila i osigurala da se ringlice ne odvoje od nokta. Ova taktika je bila sasvim uspešna.

I used Essence Metallics Metal Battle (everything had to be theme-fitting, including the name of the polish :D). I waited for the first coat to dry and then I used the same technique I use for applying magnetic polish - I'd apply polish on one nail and while the polish is still wet I'd press the eyelets into it and then do the same on the next nail. The edges of eyelets stand off the surface of the nails and I was afraid they wouldn't keep. Therefore I applied a generous coat of clear polish and a coat of Seche Vite to seal everything in and to ensure that the eyelets wouldn't rip off my nails. This technique proved to be successful.

Manikir je preživeo oblačenje, šniranje i rašniranje martinki i korseta i celu projekciju. Potom mi se jedna ringlica odvalila sa nokta. Ostale su ostale i tokom noći i celog narednog dana. Dovoljno sam ih dobro zalila nadlakom da se ne zakačinju za kosu ili odeću, mada moram priznati da mi se konačni izgled nije sasvim dopao jer sam imala utisak da mi nokti deluju debelo. Zbog toga i ne prilažem slike tako "zalivenih" noktiju. Mislim da nisu lep prizor. Zbog veoma lošeg vremena u nedelju slike su snimljene na direktnom veštačkom svetlu. Ringlice sam skinula folija-metodom, očistila i mogu ih upotrebiti ponovo.

The mani endured dressing, tying and untying of corset and Doc Martens and the entire show. One eyelet fell out afterwards. Others stayed through the night and the entire next day. I sealed them off so well that they didn't catch on my clothes or hair, but I have to admit I didn't like the final look very much because I had the feeling that my nails looked fat. That is why I'm not posting photos after sealing everything in. I just don't think it's a nice sight. Due to bad weather on Sunday I had to take all photos in direct artificial light. I removed the eyelets using foil-method, I cleaned them and they can be used again.

Ovaj proizvod sam dobila za recenziju sa sajta http://kkcenterhk.com/. Dobila sam i kod koji možete upotrebiti za 10 % popusta pri naručivanju. Samo unesite cajka u prostor za kod za popust kada budete plaćali. KKCenterHk šalje robu širom sveta. Srbija ne postoji u meniju zemalja, ali postoji Jugoslavija.

The product above was sent to me for review by http://kkcenterhk.com/. I was also given a coupon code you can use to get 10 % discount. Just enter cajka at checkout. KKCenterHk ships worldwide.

Thank you, cajkinekandze
Check out cajkinekandze blog

