Turquoise base and wavy clips wig
photos by Memo Guevara

Hello everyone! I´m back again, sorry for not updating anything but I have been really busy…but that only means I have plenty of things to tell :D. I will begin with my latest review, it´s my new curly wig! sponsored by dearest KKcenterhk (thanks so much *u*).
Having a curly wig surely means trouble. I have some wigs stylized like that and curls always get tangled (no wonder why the movie is called like that, Rapunzel sure had days fixing her hair -.-) and you can´t comb them because they become fluffy. Many stores assure to sell you curly wigs that return to their original form while washing them, is not true, gravity is more powerful and wig become flat.
Setting context makes me happy telling you that this beautiful wig has perfect curls! they come in really thigh shape so it´s is easier to conserve the styled form. You just need to take them out when you are done cosplaying or your Lolita event is over and just put them back in the package carefully, the clips will stay curled until next time n_-.
Color is gorgeous, many times wig look darker in photos and when you open your package the disappointment T.T. In particular with turquoise, this happened so this time I asked for this color and is perfect. It´s a dark tuquoise-green wig (color code in KKcenterhk A38), has mixed fibers with black and light blue. Really soft to touch and easy to comb (base). Comes in three parts, one short base and two clip curly pony tails.
Buy it here :D
Buy it here :D
Photos were taken in Museo de la Ciudad, by Memo Guevara
On the photo my dear Andreya Estreya n_-
Suggestions for this wig…Lolita style! dress, petticoat, cute shoes and a pink bag, it´s an adorable wig so it´s perfect for that.
by blue-angel36
Thank you, cinnamonanniecosplay
Check out cinnamonanniecosplay blog