2013年7月23日 星期二

KKCenterHK Mix Heart By ljubicasnails

Imam baš malo vremena, tako da ću se truditi da ovaj post bude što kraći. Prije oko mjesec dana su me kontaktirali sa sajta KKCenterHK u vezi sa sponzorstvom, koje sam, naravno, prihvatila. Izabrala sam foliju za nokte NNAIL-E05 i ova srca NNAIL-Mix-Heart-2-5mm. Foliju ću pokazati u sljedećem postu, probala sam je već, ali nisam bila zadovoljna slikama. Savršeno izgleda.

I'm very short with time, so I'll try to keep this post as short as possible. About a month ago I was contacted about a sponsorship from website KKCenterHK. Of course, I accepted. I have chosen nail foil NNAIL-E05 and this heart shaped glitter  NNAIL-Mix-Heart-2-5mm. I'll show the foil in the next post, I'd tried it out already, but I wasn't satisfied with the photos. It looks perfect.

I srca mi se sviđaju. Prvi test je bio da vidim hoće li se boja skidati kad budem stavljala nadlak, što se nije desilo i bila sam zadovoljna. Lako se stavljaju tačkalicom i sa malo bezbojnog laka. Napravila sam više kombinacija da bih pokazala kako sve mogu da se koriste i koliko boja ima. 

I like the hearts too. The first test was to see whether the colour is smeared by top coat and I was content when I saw it stayed intact. It's easy to apply them using a dotting tool and a bit of clear polish. I've made more combinations in order to show how they can be used and which colours you get. 

Ako budete naručivale nešto, možete koristiti moj kupon za popust od 10% (dostavljaju svuda u svijetu (Ni Crna Gora ni Srbija nisu na spisku zemalja, ali ima Jugoslavija, to je njima sve isto)), samo ukucajte ljubicasnails u polje za popust. 

If you plan on buying something from KKCenterHK (they ship worldwide), you can use my 10% discount coupon, by entering ljubicasnails.

Thank you, ljubicasnails
Check out ljubicasnails blog

