2013年8月9日 星期五

Diamond Lashes By zileleaugust

Buna fetelor!
Hello sweeties!
Odata cu paper lashes am primit si un model diamond lashes (link catre site aici). Am avut de ales intre galben, rosu, albastru si negru si am ales rosu pentru ca m-am gandit sa incerc si ceva mai extravagant. Acestea costa $17.03, sunt lucioase si sunt handmade.
With thr paper lashes i got a pair of diamond lashes (link to site here). There are 4 colors: yellow, red, blue and black. I picked red because i thought i wanted something fancy. These are $17.03, are sparkly and handmade.

Mi se par niste gene rezistente, am tras un pic de ele pana le-am dezlipit, mai cu frica sa nu le rup dar nu au patit absolut nimic, sunt in stare perfecta. Banda este neagra si foarte subtire. Odata scoase din ambalaj, genele isi pastreaza forma, nu devin drepte sau prea ondulate. Sunt foarte usoare, nici nu le simti pe ochi.
The lashes are very strong, i kind of a used "force" to pull them out but they were perfect, no damage. The tape is black and thin. After you got them out of their package, the lashes keep their shape, they don't get straight or too curly. They are very easy to wear, you don't feel them on your eye.

Nu imi plac la ele 2 aspecte:
- Sunt foarte frumoase in ambalaj si, dupa cum se observa, si in poze insa in realitate nu se vad. Abia se observa pe ochi. Poate daca as fi ales albastru sau negru, o culoare inchisa, ar fi fost altul
- Au o forma ciudata dar nu ma deranjeaza acest lucru. Sunt putin cam mari pentru mine in sensul ca ar cam trebui sa mai tai putin din ele ca sa nu ma mai deranjeze in colturi dar pentru a taia din ele ar insemna sa tai un dreptunghi intreg (sau ce este acea forma).
I don't like 2 things about them:
- They are very beautiful in pictures and in their package but in reality they are almost invisible. You bearly notice them on your eye. Maybe if i would choose a different color, something like black or blue, the situation were different.
- They have a strange shape but that's not the problem. They are a little too long for me so i would need to cut them to fit me best. But if i cut them i may be needed to cut an entire rectangle or whatever that is.

 Imi place si nu imi place ambalajul. Au o cutiuta foarte firava din plastic care intra intr-o punguta ce se inchide la capat. Le protejeaza foarte bine de praf, apa sau alti factori asemanatori. Ceea ce nu imi place este ca acest mod de ambalare ocupa mult spatiu. Bineinteles, pot sa dau la o parte punguta (nu imi vine in minte cum altfel sa o numesc) si sa ramana doar in ambalajul din plastic.
I like very much the packing. They have a very fragile box made of plastic which goes in a bag. The bag has something similar to a zipper at the bottom. They are highly protected from dust, water and anything like this. The thing that i don't really like is that the package is waaay too big and wastes a lot of room. Of course, you can use only the plastic box without the bag.
In concluzie, imi plac mult aceste gene insa cred ca le voi folosi doar pentru machiaje fantezie pentru poze si atat pentru ca, dupa cum am spus, nu se prea vad pe ochi. Pretul lor este totusi unul cam mare insa daca ne gandim ca sunt handmade, pleaaase! Manutele acelea care le-au facut merita putin respect :))).
In conclusion, i like very much these lashes but i think i will use them on fantasy make-up for pictures because, as i've already said, they are almost invisible in reality. Their price is a little too high but consider they are handmade. So... pleaaaase! Those hands deserve some respect. :)
Puteti sa imi trimiteti poze, idei, intrebari, orice la adresa de mai jos!
You can send me pictures, ideas, questons, anything at my address downbelow!
contact : beauty.insider@rocketmail.com

Thank you, zileleaugust
Check out zileleaugust blog

