2013年11月29日 星期五

Review: kkcenterhk.com Silver Beard Studs - MOVEMBER Manicure By abyukina

Am intrat in luna noiembrie si cum puteam sa sarbatorim luna "Movember" mai bine decat cu o manichiura cu mustati.
We are in November already and we can celebrate the "Movember" month with a moustache manicure. 

In strainatate luna noiembrie este denumita Movember de la Mustata, aceasta fiind luna dedicata constientizarii cancerului testicular si de prostata. Se organizeaza campanii de donare, iar barbatii isi lasa mustati pentru a sustine cauza.
In many countries the month of November is called Movember because this month is dedicated to mustache in order to raise awareness of prostate cancer and other male type of cancer. For this cause the men are growing all month moustaches.

Am primit spre testare din partea kkcentehk.com aceste decoratiuni de unghii (tine), sub forma de mustati.
I've received for testing from kkcenterhk.com these nail studs, moustache shaped.

Denumirea oficiala pe siteul kkcenterhk.com este N.NAIL Studs Lovely Silver Beard 8mm X 3mm Nail Art Decorations [NNAIL-DRN739]. Puteti folosi codul NNAIL-DRN739 pentru a le gasi mai repede pe site.
Sunt incadrate la Nail art Decoration - Studs
Their official name is  N.NAIL Studs Lovely Silver Beard 8mm X 3mm Nail Art Decorations [NNAIL-DRN739]. You can use the short code NNAIL-DRN739 to find them quicker.They are in Nail Art Decoration category - Studs.
Dimensiunea acestora este de 8mm x 3mm si sunt argintii, iar fiecare pachet contine 5 bucati.Pe partea din spate prezinta striatii fine, iar fata este lucioasa.
They are 8mm x 3mm and they are silver, each pack having 5 pieces.On the back have fine lines and their front surface is shinny.

Daca ai unghii mai lungi vor fi mai greu de manuit cu degetele, dar poti folosi in schimb o penseta.
Sunt mai grele decat tintele clasice, din acest  motiv nu pot fi manuite cu punctatorul sau betisorul de cuticule.
If you have long nails it will be difficult to handle them with your fingers,but you can use a tweezer. They are heavier than normal studs so your doting tool or your cuticle wood stick won't help you to place them on your nail.  
Pentru a le stabiliza bine pe unghie eu am folosit lipici pentru unghii false,dar sunt sigura ca se pot atasa si utilazand un top coat, intr-un strat mai gros.
Atasata cu lipici a rezistat foarte bine, singurul incovenient fiind colturile mustatii care se agatau de cele mai multe ori de bluze sau esarfe.
I've used nail glue to attach them on my nails, but I'm sure they can be fixed with top coat to, maybe in 2 coats.From time to time the moustache got stocked on my blouses or scarf, but nothing to bad.
poza sub lampa / artificial light
 lumina naturala / natural light
Cu toate acestea mi se par haioase si pot inveseli o manichiura, mai ales daca urmeaza sa participi la un eveniment intre prieteni si nu foarte rafinat :-)
Am aplicat mustata peste oja essence 165 here's my number cu efect sparkle sand.
I find them funny and they can make a manicure happier.
I've applied the studs over an essence nail polish, no. 165 here's my number, a sparkle sand effect one.  
lumina naturala / natural light

Oja essence face parte din noua colectie si este una de tip sand.
In toate pozele e aplicata in doua straturi,iar poza de mai jos este facuta imediat dupa aplicare. Atunci aspectul ojei este unul lucios, dar pe masura ce se usuca capata aspectul specific ojelor sand.
Indepartarea de pe unghie se face destul de usor pentru o oja sand.
The esence nail polish is part of their new collection and is a sand type one.
In all the picture is applied in two coats, and the below picture is taken right after I've applied the second coat. It looks shinny but as it dries it will get the sand effect.
The removal is easy for a sand style nail polish.
Puteti comanda tintele mustati pe site-ul kkcenterhk.com, unde varietatea este foarte mare, site-ul oferind multe alte accesorii (water decals, glitters,sequins etc) si produse,de la farduri pana la peruci.
Puteti obtine o reducere de 10% la orice comanda daca folositi codul ABY.
You can order the moustache studs on kkcenterhk.com web site, site that has different nail accessories (water decals,glitter,sequins etc.) but also make up or even wigs.
If you place an order you can have 10% off using the code ABY.

Va atrag astfel de accesorii pentru unghii?
Do you like using studs for you nails? 

See u Soon!

Thank you, abyukina
Check out abyukina blog

