2013年12月4日 星期三

[Review] ES 5 Pairs Handmade Brown Luxuriant Upper And Lower Eyelashes - See more at: http://www.gwiyomistyle.net/2013/11/review-es-5-pairs-handmade-brown.html#sthash.QuZiSByS.dpuf By gwiyomistyle

This lovely eyelashes is sponsored by KKcenterhk

They are a online shops that are mainly selling Asian branded cosmetics, and have over 1000 different type of fake eyelashes. So even if this one if not the type you like, you will probably find one you like over there.


There are 3 upper lashes and 2 pairs of lower eyelashes.

Upper Eyelash : 
Head length : 1cm / 10mm
Mid length : 1.4cm / 14mm
End  length : 1.3cm / 13mm

Lower Eyelash : 
Head length : 0.4cm / 4mm
Mid length : 0.4cm / 4mm
End  length : 0.4cm / 4mm

Close up

Difference between with and without fake eyelashes

They are re-use able if taken of carefully.

My Thought

 This is a dark brown eyelashes, and I think the color is really pretty. Since most peoples will dye their hairs now a days, so I think it's not a bad idea to get a dark brown color.

 I think it makes my eyes look really girly and cute, like these gyaru type of make up would use. Since this is only my second time using fake eyelashes, there is not much I have to say about it. But I really liked the look it gives me and will be using it on my further photo shoots!

I only used a little eye make up, like a really light eye shadow, eyeliner on the end and highlight on under eyelashes. But I think it would looks really pretty with this eyelashes even if I did not put these eye make ups on.

The eyelashes is in good quality and really strong. 
That you can take it off carefully and use it multiple times!

- See more at: http://www.gwiyomistyle.net/2013/11/review-es-5-pairs-handmade-brown.html#sthash.QuZiSByS.dpuf

Thank you, gwiyomistyle
Check out gwiyomistyle blog

