2014年2月26日 星期三

KKCenterHk Review - Peach Studs & Floral Manicure by nailslikelace

When I got these studs from KKCenterHk, I immediately knew I wanted to pair them with yellow and teal in a floral mani!

This manicure uses all China Glaze polishes: Turned up Turquoise, For Audrey, Gaga for Green, and Lemon Fizz. I used the studs as flower centers on my accent nail, and put a vertical line of them down the others.

These studs are so itty bitty, 2mm, they are a great size! I prefer them smaller like this so more will fit on the nail.

100 studs come in a screw-top jar for $4.50 USD.

I am very pleased with these. I used one coat of Seche Vite over them and didn't have a single problem with any of them popping off! The color is really pretty, and I haven't come across any defective or misshapen ones, or anything like that.

If you're interested in purchasing these studs, or anything else from KKCenterHk, use my coupon code NLL for 10% off your order!

*Product provided for my honest review from kkcenterhk.com. All opinions are truthful and my own.

Thank you, nailslikelace
Check out nailslikelace blog

