De curand, am primit de la KKCenterHk un set de stickere cu fulgi de nea, pe care m-am gandit sa le folosesc pentru acest model. Deoarece in acest an nu a nins aproape deloc in Cluj Napoca, vroiam ca macar in manichiura mea sa se regaseasca aceste elemente ale iernii.
Lately, I received from KKCenterHk a set of stickers with snowflakes, which I thought to use for this model. Because this year it didn't snow almost at all in Cluj Napoca, I wanted that at least in my manicure to be found this winter elements.
Am avut nevoie de : Un lac de baza pentru a-mi proteja unghiile, un lac alb pentru fundal, un lac transparent, stickere cu fulgii de nea , un recipient pentru lichid, sclipici alb, o pensula evanta, o forfecuta si putina apa.
I needed : A base coat to protect my nails, a white nail polish for the background, a top coat, snowflakes stickers , a liquid container, white glitter, a fan brush, scissors and a little bit of water.
Eu am folosit : Farmec - Baza complex fortifiant, Farmec #50 pentru fundal, Flormar pentru uscare rapida si extra stralucire,stickere cu fulgi de nea de la KKCenterHk si sclipici alb de la 2M Beauty.
I used : Farmec - Base coat fortifying complex, Farmec #50 for the background, Flormar for quick dry and extra shine,stickers with snowflakes from KKCenterHk and white glitter from 2M Beauty.
Am aplicat un strat de oja pentru baza, astfel incat modelul sa reziste mai mult timp:
I applied a base coat, in order that the model to resist longer:
Folosind oja alba, am facut fundalul unghiilor:
Using the white nail polish, I made the nail's background:
Pe unghia degetului mijlociu, am adaugat putin sclipici alb, iar surplusul l-am inlaturat folosind pensula evantai:
On the ring finger nail, I added a little bit of white glitter, and I removed the surplus using the fan brush:
Am taiat doi fulgisori, pe care i-am adaugat in recipientul cu apa, lasandu-i 20-30 de secunde:
Am inlaturat partea alba a decalcomanii si am adaugat partea cu fulgisorii pe unghia degetului inelar, presand cateva secunde:
I removed the white part of the decals and I added the part with the snowflakes on the ring finger nail, pressing a few seconds:
La sfarsit, am adaugat un strat de oja transparenta. In plus, folosind codul 'Claudia' veti beneficia de o reducere de 10% pentru toate produsele KKCenterHk.
At the end, I added a top coat. At the end, I added a top coat. Furthermore, using the code 'Claudia' you will get 10% discount for the all KKCenterHk products.
Thank you, claudiacernean
Check out claudiacernean blog