2014年3月6日 星期四

Čipka bez čipke by cajkinekandze

Pre nekog vremena su mrežice i čipka postali popularni u manikirima, a onda je taj trend nestao kao da ga nikada nije ni bilo. Pretpostavljam zato što je čipka debela i teško je dobro je pričvrstiti na prirodan nokat i onda je i dobro obezbediti da se za nju ne zakačinje sve ono sa čime ste tokom dana u kontaktu. KKCenterHKima rešenje - transfer foliju sa motivom čipke (NNAIL-E32). Ova folija je širine 4 cm, a dužina ne piše na sajtu. Ja sam je merila tek pošto sam isekla koliko mi treba za ovaj manikir i mogu samo da kažem da je dužina preko 110 cm. I za ovu foliju je potreban lepak za foliju, a ja koristim JR1004-B.

Some time ago lace and nets became the manicure trend, but it vanished as abruptly as it had appeared. I suppose because lace is thick and difficult to attach and secure on the nail and avoid getting caught on whatever you are handling during your day. KKCenterHK seems to have a solution - a transfer foil with black lace motif (NNAIL-E32). This foil is 4 cm wide, and the website doesn't show the length. I only measured it after I had already cut the pieces for my mani and I can only say it is more than 110 cm long. This foil needs special glue in order to be transferred and the one I use is JR1004-B.

Od tri N.Nail folije koje sam do sada probala ova je najlakša za rad. Pošto sam sačekala da se lepak osuši koliko je potrebno za uspešan transfer samo sam prislonila komadić folije na nokat i slika se već prenela. Na pojedinim mestima sam mogla i jače da pritisnem kako bi se prenela cela slika, ali ne smeta mi ovaj poderani izgled. Pošto se dezen ne nalazi na celoj površini folije, deo lepka na noktu ostaje nepokriven. Zbog toga savetujem da sačekate desetak minuta da se lepak dobro osuši pre nego što nanesete nadlak. Ja sam preskočila običan nadlak i nanela sam odmah matirajući i dezen se nije razmrljao, što mi se veoma dopada. Sam dezen je zanemarljive debljine i ne oseća se pod prstom. Jedina zamerka koju imam je što se kada isečete foliju jedva razaznaje šta je lice, a šta naličje folije i samo po zakrivljenosti rolne možete zaključiti koju stranu da prislonite uz lepak.

Out of three N.Nail transfer foils I have tried so far this one is the easiest to work with. After I had waited for glue to get sticky enough for successful transfer I barely touched it with a piece of foil and the image was transferred. I should have press it in some places in order to get entire image to transfer, but I don't mind this ragged look. Since the design doesn't cover entire foil, part of glue on your nail remains uncovered as well. That is why I recommend you wait about ten minutes for glue to dry properly before you apply top coat. I had skipped regular top coat and applied mattifying one and you can see it didn't smudge the design, which I like. The motif is of negligible thickness and you can't feel it if you pass your finger over it. My only complaint is that it is almost impossible to tell right from the wrong side of foil once you cut it and you can only tell by curve of the roll which side should be facing you and which one should be pressed on nail.

Sve slike su snimljene na dnevnom svetlu. Foliju sam stavila preko p2 Volume Gloss 030 Sweet Darling, a za prvu sliku sam stavila i Miss Sporty Check Matte.

All photos were taken in daylight. I have applied foil over p2 Volume Gloss 030 Sweet Darling, and I have Miss Sporty Check Matte top coat in the first photo.

Ovaj proizvod sam dobila za recenziju sa sajta http://kkcenterhk.com/. Dobila sam i kod koji možete upotrebiti za 10 % popusta pri naručivanju. Samo unesite cajka u prostor za kod za popust kada budete plaćali. KKCenterHk šalje robu širom sveta. Srbija ne postoji u meniju zemalja, ali postoji Jugoslavija.

The product above was sent to me for review by http://kkcenterhk.com/. I was also given a coupon code you can use to get 10 % discount. Just enter cajka at checkout. KKCenterHk ships worldwide.

Thank you, cajkinekandze
Check out cajkinekandze blog

