2014年3月27日 星期四

Unghii cu efect de Oglinda - Mirror Nails by claudiacernean

   Cautam de mult folii minx argintii, insa toate pe care le-am gasit aveau diferite modele pe ele, astfel incat m-am gandit sa aleg folia de transfer de la KKCenterHk, pe care am primit-o acum cateva zile.
   I was looking for a long time silver minx foils, but all that I founded had different models, so that I thought to choose thetransfer foil from KKCenterHk, which I received a few days ago.

   Am avut nevoie de : Un lac de baza pentru a-mi proteja unghiile, un lac negru pentru model, folie de transfer arginie, lipici, o pensula subtire si o forfecuta.
   I needed : A base coat to protect my nails, a black nail polish for the model, silver foil transfer, glue, a thin brush and scissors.
   Eu am folosit : Farmec - Baza complex fortifiant, Farmasi #83 pentru model si folie de transfer argintie si lipici de laKKCenterHk.
   I used : Farmec - Base coat fortifying complex, Farmasi #83 for the model and silver foil transfer and glue fromKKCenterHk.

   Astfel incat model sa reziste mai mult timp, am aplicat un strat de oja pentru baza:
   In order that the model to resist longer, I applied a base coat:

Am aplicat un strat de lipici pe intreaga suprafata a unghiei, pe care l-am lasat sa se usuce aproximativ 30 de secunde:
I applied a layer of glue on the entire surface of the nail, which I let to dry aproximately 30 seconds:

Am adaugat o bucatica din folia de transfer pe care am tamponat-o cu degetul, pana cand aceasta s-a transferat pe unghie:
I added a little piece of the foil transfer which I dabbed using the finger, until it was transferred on the nail:

Pe unghia degetul inelar am trasat cateva linii curbe negre, astfel incat sa se formeze un print de zebra:
On the ring finger nail I traced some curved black lines, so that to make a zebra print:

   La sfarsit nu am mai adaugat oja transparenta, deoarece folia de transfer se fisureaza marunt. In plus, folosind codul 'Claudia' veti beneficia de o reducere de 10% pentru toate produsele KKCenterHk.
   At the end I didn't added top coat, because the nail foil transfer cracks. Furthermore, using the code 'Claudia' you will get 10% discount for all the KKCenterHk products.

Thank you, claudiacernean
Check out  claudiacernean blog

