2014年8月11日 星期一

KKCenterHk review: Circular black nail art 2mm studs - Abstract manicure with black nail art studs by raggio-di-luna-nails

This beautiful pack of circular nail art studs was kindly offered to me from KKCenterHk for this review. You can find it on their web site with this name: N.NAILS Studs Circular Black 2mm Nail Art Decorations, item ID: NNAIL-DRN666.

I chose my nail art studs black because I like black and I'm sure black will make a good match with many base colours, but KKCenterHk makes them also in many other colours, so you can surely find out the colour that you like! :-)

Each pack contains 50 pieces of circular nail art studs, they are black and their dimension is 2mm, so they suit also very small nails. 

They are easy to work with, they have a flat backing surface and applying was not a problem at all. You can use a moisturized manicure stick to pick up a circular nail art stud and then put it on nail polish that is still wet or on a drop of top coat. Repeat with other circular nail art studs or with some nail art until you finish the design and cover entire nail with top coat. 

Here is my manicure, I hope you like it! :-)

Golden Rose Rich Color n° 102
acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat

Do you like using nail art studs for your nail art creations? 

If you still don't have them, you can try these, you can find these interestingcircular black nail art 2mm studs at KKCenterHk

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed my review! 

KKCenterHk was also kind enough to give my readers 10% off their purchase with the code: raggio-di-luna-nailsHappy shopping!

Thank you, raggio-di-luna-nails
Check out raggio-di-luna-nails blog

KKCenterHk review: Buttefly water decals by raggio-di-luna-nails

This beautiful set of butterfly water decals was kindly offered to me from KKCenterHk for this review. You can find it on their web site with this name: N.NAIL Water Decals Nail Art, item ID: WDBLE 1397.

The sheet contains 23 pieces of butterfly water decals, they are orange and blue.

I chose butterflies because I really like them and I liked particularly the blue butterflies, so I wanted to try them on my nails :-) KKCenterHk makes them also in many other versions, so you can surely find out the one that you like! :-)

1. start out with clean nails
2. paint the base colour on your nails and let it dry completely
3. remove the protection film and soak in the water for 10-20 seconds until the decal slides of the paper backing
4. put the water decal on your nail, choose the right position while it's still wet, dab the excess water off with a paper towel 
5. seal your manicure with a layer of top coat  

These water decals are very easy to work with. If you don't like the placement, you can move the decal on your nail while it's still wet to find the better position for it. 

Here is my manicure, I used Kiko n° 300 Malachite Green, NYC n° 134 Pinstripe White for my accent nails and I used NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat to seal the manicure.

I hope you like it! :-)

Do you like using water decals for your nail art creations? 

If you still don't have them, you can try these, you can find these interestingbuttefly water decals at KKCenterHk

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed my review! 

KKCenterHk was also kind enough to give my readers 10% off their purchase with the code: raggio-di-luna-nailsHappy shopping!

Thank you, raggio-di-luna-nails
Check out raggio-di-luna-nails blog

Review : Gene false Ardell 120 Demi Black by valentinabucur

Hei hei! Mai demult vă spuneam că genele Red Cherry sunt favoritele mele, însă trebuie să admit că nu e singura marcă de gene false din păr natural preferată. O altă marcă de gene false de o calitate excelentă este Ardell. Astăzi vreau să vă vorbesc despre o pereche de gene Ardell folosite recent. 

„Brand New With Original Retail Packing Box
100% Authentic & Human Hair
One Pair In Box (Not Including Glue)
Style : Glamour-Night
Occasions : Performance, Holidays
Eyeshapes : Small Eyes, Large Eyes, Round Eyes, Almond-Shaped Eyes, Deep-Set Eyes”

 Așa cum este menționat în descrierea oficială, genele sunt din păr natural, ceea ce înseamnă că vor conferi un aspect plăcut, vor îmbogăți machiajul și nici nu va fi sesizabil faptul că purtați gene false. Acest model are firere mai scurte în interior și mai lungi spre colțul exterior, fapt ce va crea un efect de mărire al ochilor, ba chiar ochii vor părea migdalați. Din această cauză, eu le consider ideale pentru fetele cu ochii mici sau cu pleoapele căzute, dar asta nu înseamnă că nu le pot purta și fetele cu alte caracteristici ale ochilor/chipului,etc.

Genele sunt suficient de bogate și sunt ideale pentru un look de seară. Fiind din păr natural, sunt foarte maleabile și se aplică foarte ușor. Genele din păr natural se vor lipi întotdeauna bine, în comparație cu cele din păr artificial și, plus de asta, nu veți întâmpina probleme la colțuri. 

Genele se pot refolosi dacă sunt păstrate cu grijă. Cutiuța nu include și adeziv, însă vă puteți achiziționa separat unul. Eu vă recomand acest adeziv.

Am folosit aceste gene aici.

Model gene : #120 Demi-Black
Preț : $4,05
Shop : KKCenterHK

Ce părere aveți? Ați folosit genele Ardell?

Thank you, valentinabucur
Check out valentinabucur blog

Czarne Złoto: 2mm Auto Waterproof Eyeliner by katalina-sugarspice

Hej Misiaki!

     Rzadko rezygnuję z podkreślenia oczu w makijażu, o czym mieliście okazję się przekonać wiele razy. Staram się to robić nawet wtedy, gdy mam rano niewiele czasu. A że linery w żelu bywają dość absorbujące, że o płynnych nie wspomnę, sensowną alternatywą wydają się kredki żelowe.

     Markę Solone znam już z kredek tradycyjnych, które bardzo sobie chwalę, postanowiłam zatem sprawdzić jaka w obsłudze okaże się wersja automatyczna. Mój wybór padł na 2mm Auto Waterproof Eyeliner w kolorze Black & Gold (no 1274-4).

Sklep KKCenterHk



Brak danych

Na pierwszy rzut oka wygląda jak plastikowy flamaster w kolorze ciemnej, gorzkiej kawy. Zdobią go akcenty w kolorze holograficznego srebra. Ani mnie ono grzeje, ani ziębi. 

Kremowo-żelowa, łatwa w użytkowaniu.

Oficjalnie czerń złamana złotem, w praktyce określiłabym go jako brąz z ciepłymi drobinkami.

Aplikacja i działanie:
Kredki tej używa się dziecinnie łatwo! Jest niezwykle prosta w obsłudze dzięki grubości (cienkości? :P ) grafitu. W ten sposób możemy cieszyć się swobodą i precyzją, której nie uzyskamy tradycyjną kredką, bez konieczności temperowania. Kolor jest równy, ładny, bez prześwitów, nie odbija się również dookoła oczu. Produkt niemal doskonały, ma jednak istotną wadę - to jak istotną zależy od indywidualnych preferencji użytkownika. Chodzi o trwałość na oku. Kredka jest wytrzymała o ile trzymamy ręce z dala od oczu. Wystarczy dosłownie kilka ruchów by zetrzeć kreskę zupełnie i bez śladu. Jeśli zatem nie jesteście w stanie powstrzymać się od pocierania oczu, lepiej sięgnijcie po coś innego. W innym wypadku - polecam.

Katalina :*

Thank you, katalina-sugarspice
Check out katalina-sugarspice blog