In February I was contacted by KKCenterHK and they offered to send me water decals to review. Since I love trying new things then of course I said yes. KKCenterHK is an online store that offers different products: makeup products, wigs and products for nails. They ship worldwide.
They let me choose water decals to try and I chose these:
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And here is photo of mine. I already used one row on my nails when I realised that I still hadn´t taken photo of them :S On the sheet there was 25 images and so here you can see only 20 :P
These water decals took long time to arrive, but I am very very happy that I finally got them. I mean for some reason I´ve always thought that water decals are difficult and messy to use (or maybe the videos on Youtube made me think so) and so when I received them and tried to use them I realised that they are very very easy to use and the quality of these is very good.So what you need for applying these:
- scissors
- tweezers
- tissue
- top coat
I try to make a video next time when I use water decals, but basically this is how I applied these water decals
1. I cut the image that I need from the sheet
2. I put it in the water and let it be there around 10 seconds
3. I remove the image very very carefully from the paper and apply it on my nail
4. with tissue I press the image on my nail a bit so there wouldn´t be any air bubbles or excess water
5. apply top coat
And here is the result:
I love the result. It came out even better than I imagined.
So in conclusion these water decals from KKCenterHK are just great. They cost $2,64 and I think that they are totally worth the price.
KKCenterHK was kind enough to offer unique coupon code for my lovely readers.
This coupon code gives you 10% off your order and is valid until January, 31st 2013.
and the coupon code: eisaamitte
*These water decals were sent to me for reviewing. Everyhing I wrote here is truly my own opinion about them.
Eesti keeles ka :)
Veebruaris võeti minuga ühendust online poest KKCenterHK. KKCenterHK on online pood, mis pakub erinevaid tooteid; parukaid ja küünte ja meigi tooteid. Ning kaupa saadavad nad üle maailma. KKCenterHK pakkus mulle võimalust proovida vesitrükipilte küüntele (inglisekeele eksperdid võiksid nüüd aidata kas water decals on eesti keeles vesitrükipilt :D)
Kuna mulle meeldib katsetada ja proovida uusi asju siis loomulikult olin ma nõus ja sain ise valida ka millist toodet täpselt soovin proovida. Mina valisin siis NEED. Nende hind on 2,64$ ja ühel lehel oli liblikakujutisi 25 tükki. Minu enda tehtud pildilt water decals´itest on näha ainult 20, sest ma suutsin juba ühe rea küüntele ära kasutada kui taipasin, et oops ma ei olegi neist ju veel pilti teinud.
Küünte vesitrükipiltide kohalejõudmine võttis aega muidugi omajagu aga ma olen väga rõõmus, et nad ikka kohale lõpuks jõudsid, sest nad olid ootamist väärt. Ma olen millegi pärast alati arvanud, et nende kasutamine on keeruline või noh mul on erinevatest youtube´i videotest selline mulje jäänud. Igatahes on tegelikult neid kasutada väga väga lihtneja tulemus on kena.
Vesikleepsude kasutamiseks läheb vaja siis: kääre, vett, pintsette, salvrätti ja pealislakki
Järgmine kord kui ma neid kasutan, siis üritan ka video sellest teha, aga põhimõtteliselt oli protsess järgmine:
1. lõika sobiv kujund/pilt välja
2. umbes 10 sekundiks pista pilt vette
3. eemalda õrnalt kujund aluspaberilt ja aseta küünele
4. tupsuta salvrätiga õrnalt, et ei jääks õhumulle ja vett
5. lõpuks kanna küünele pealislakk
Ja ongi kõik! Lihtne!
KKCenterHK pakub mu armsatele lugejatele ka sooduskoodi, millega saab tellimuselt alla 10%. Kood kehtib 31.jaanuarini 2013.
Sooduskood on: eisaamitte
*Need vesikleepsud saadeti mulle proovimiseks ja ülevaate kirjutamiseks. Kõik siin kirjutatu on minu ja ainult minu arvamus nende kohta.
Thank you, eisaamitte
Check out eisaamitte blog