Danas vam predstavljam dekale u obliku stilizovanih ar nuvo mačaka koje sam dobila za recenziju od KKCenterHk. Ovi dekali nisu nalepnice, nisu samolepljivi. Na jednom tabaku je pet suprotno orijentisanih redova od po pet sličica mačaka u različitim položajima, zlatne boje. Zamerka koju imam je nedostatak ikakvog uputstva za upotrebu. Veoma sam zahvalna AnyRainbow koja je napravila uputstvo u slikama i time mi uštedela dosta vremena.
I'm presenting you Art Nouveau-ish cat water decals I got for review from KKCenterHk.
These aren't sticky, have no adhesive. There are five rows of five different images of gold-coloured
cats facing opposite directions on one
sheet. My objection is
that there are no instructions. I'm grateful for AnyRainbow's photo tutorial that saved me time.
dekali su napravljeni od veoma fine tanke plastične folije. Za razliku
od dekala koje sam prethodno
koristila, ovi su odmah skliznuli sa papira i, na žalost, odmah su se
osušili na noktu tako da nisam imala vremena da ih lepo namestim. Veoma
su mekani i jedan se uvrnuo i zalepio sam za sebe te sam ga morala
baciti. Brci mačke na mom domalom prstu su se takođe savili, ali sam
odlučila da pređem preko toga. Mada mi se sam dizajn mačaka veoma
dopada, mekoća folije od koje su pravljene ih čini nezgodnim za
rukovanje. Skidanje nije predstavljalo nikakav problem. Skinuli su se
kao običan lak.
N.NAIL-WDSYT141 water decals are made out of very fine plastic wrap. Unlike the decals I previously used, these slid off the paper almost immediately and, unfortunately, dried on the nail instantly so I didn't have time to position them nicely. They are very soft and one of the decals stuck on itself and I had to throw it away. The same happened with the whiskers of the cat on my ring finger, but I can live with that. Although I love the design, the softness of the foil these decals are made of makes them difficult to manipulate. The removal was a song. Decals went off just like polish.
Dekale sam stavila preko Aura Long Lasting 190 i zapečatila ih slojem nadlaka.
I used decals over Aura Long Lasting 190 and sealed them with top coat.
N.NAIL-WDSYT141 water decals are made out of very fine plastic wrap. Unlike the decals I previously used, these slid off the paper almost immediately and, unfortunately, dried on the nail instantly so I didn't have time to position them nicely. They are very soft and one of the decals stuck on itself and I had to throw it away. The same happened with the whiskers of the cat on my ring finger, but I can live with that. Although I love the design, the softness of the foil these decals are made of makes them difficult to manipulate. The removal was a song. Decals went off just like polish.
Dekale sam stavila preko Aura Long Lasting 190 i zapečatila ih slojem nadlaka.
I used decals over Aura Long Lasting 190 and sealed them with top coat.
Ove proizvode sam dobila za recenziju sa sajta http://kkcenterhk.com/. Dobila sam i kod koji možete upotrebiti za 10 % popusta pri naručivanju. Samo unesite cajka
u prostor za kod za popust kada budete plaćali. KKCenterHk šalje robu
širom sveta. Srbija ne postoji u meniju zemalja, ali postoji
The products above were sent to me for review by http://kkcenterhk.com/. I was also given a coupon code you can use to get 10 % discount. Just enter cajka at checkout. KKCenterHk ships worldwide.
Thank you, cajkinekandze
Check out cajkinekandze blog