Danas vam predstavljam dekale u obliku paučine koje sam dobila za recenziju od KKCenterHk. Ovi dekali nisu nalepnice, nisu samolepljivi. Na jednom tabaku je dvadeset sličica paučine i paukova različitih veličina, oblika i orijentacije, što je veoma zgodno za asimetrične manikire, a omogućava da se nađe prigodna veličina i za palac i za mali prst. Zamerka koju imam je nedostatak ikakvog uputstva za upotrebu. Nikada ranije nisam koristila ovakvu vrstu ukrasa i imala sam samo nejasnu predstavu kako se upotrebljavaju. Veoma sam zahvalna AnyRainbow koja je napravila uputstvo u slikama i time mi uštedela dosta vremena.
I'm presenting you spiderweb water decals I got for review from KKCenterHk.
These aren't sticky, have no adhesive. There are twenty images of
spiders and cobwebs of different shapes, sizes and orientation on one
sheet, which is great for asymmetrical manis and it means you can find a
perfect fit for your thumb as well as for your pinkie. My objection is
that there are no instructions. I've never used this sort of decoration
and had only a vague idea how it should be applied. I'm grateful for AnyRainbow's photo tutorial that saved me time.
dekali su napravljeni od tanke plastike, mada deblje i kruće od
klasične plastične folije. Za razliku od dekala koje je AnyRainbow
koristila, ovima je bilo potrebno malo više vremena, nekoliko minuta, da
skliznu sa papira. Takođe im je bilo potrebno nekoliko minuta i da se
osuše, što je zgodno jer ostavlja dovoljno vremena da ih precizno
namestite gde vam odgovara. Na palcu zbog tvrdoće plastike nisam uspela
sasvim dobro da namestim dekal i vidi se mehurić vazduha koji je ostao
zarobljen ispod nadlaka, tako da treba doro obratiti pažnju na to da su
dekali na noktima sasvim suvi i da nije negde ostao vazduh između laka i
N.NAIL-WDDC001-Silver water decals are made out of thin plastic, a bit thicker and stiffer than saran wrap. Unlike the decals AnyRainbow used, these took a bit more time, several minutes, to slide off the paper. It took them several minutes to dry too, which is great because it gives you enough time to position them precisely where you want and move them around until you are satisfied. Because of the stiffness of the plastic I couldn't place the decal on my thumb well and you can see the air bubble trapped underneath the top coat, so you should pay attention ad take your time to make sure that once on the nail the decals are completely dry and that there is no air trapped underneath decals.
Slike su snimljene pri veštačkom svetlu. Dekale sam stavila preko OPI Unripened i zapečatila ih slojem Seventeen Fast Finish nadlaka. Krajnjim rezultatom sam veoma zadovoljna.
Photos were taken in daylight. I used decals over OPI Unripened and sealed them with a coat of Seventeen Fast Finish top coat. I'm very pleased with the end result.
N.NAIL-WDDC001-Silver water decals are made out of thin plastic, a bit thicker and stiffer than saran wrap. Unlike the decals AnyRainbow used, these took a bit more time, several minutes, to slide off the paper. It took them several minutes to dry too, which is great because it gives you enough time to position them precisely where you want and move them around until you are satisfied. Because of the stiffness of the plastic I couldn't place the decal on my thumb well and you can see the air bubble trapped underneath the top coat, so you should pay attention ad take your time to make sure that once on the nail the decals are completely dry and that there is no air trapped underneath decals.
Slike su snimljene pri veštačkom svetlu. Dekale sam stavila preko OPI Unripened i zapečatila ih slojem Seventeen Fast Finish nadlaka. Krajnjim rezultatom sam veoma zadovoljna.
Photos were taken in daylight. I used decals over OPI Unripened and sealed them with a coat of Seventeen Fast Finish top coat. I'm very pleased with the end result.
Ove proizvode sam dobila za recenziju sa sajta http://kkcenterhk.com/. Dobila sam i kod koji možete upotrebiti za 10 % popusta pri naručivanju. Samo unesite cajka
u prostor za kod za popust kada budete plaćali. KKCenterHk šalje robu
širom sveta. Srbija ne postoji u meniju zemalja, ali postoji
The products above were sent to me for review by http://kkcenterhk.com/. I was also given a coupon code you can use to get 10 % discount. Just enter cajka at checkout. KKCenterHk ships worldwide.
Thank you, cajkinekandze
Check out cajkinekandze blog