When I initially learned that KKCenterHk was interested in collaborating with me (and allowing me to select a few product for review), I KNEW instantly that I wanted to try THIS VERY item

I created this look using Rock Skull Water Decals from KKCenterHk

(N.NAIL Rock Skull Water Decals Nail Art-WDSY558)
This package contains 25 pastel Rock Skull water decals. These water decals are NON-Sticky so when you go to apply them onto your nail (I put together a water decal application photo-tutorial HERE) they are VERY easy to position/slide into place before you seal them into place with a topcoat.

I started out by painting my nails various shades of pastel that I thought would compliment the Rock Skull water decals. I used Colour Alike Drwiny z Cytyryny, Cult Nails Devious Nature and Color Club Take Me to Your Chateau.

I placed the water decals (one at a time) into a small bowl with lukewarm water submerging them completely. After 20 seconds I used tweezers to remove the decal from the water and gently slid it off of the white backing and onto my nail (once base polish was FULLY dry). I then dabbed the decal dry with a kleenex before applying a topcoat. I will shamefully admit that I rushed the process a little. I was sooo excited at how my ‘vision’ was coming alive that I rushed the drying-topcoat process and the decals cracked a little. In retrospect, this adds to the overall effect IMO, but know that this is NOT a product defect, but rather a user error (I calmed down/learned my lesson by the time I applied the black skull)

I really liked the way this turned out. As an after thought I chose to add the small white rock skull over the stripes… just to see if the water decals would be opaque enough over darker surfaces (and in my opinion they are

For the accent nail I painted a strip of each of the base shades and allowed them to fully dry. I then placed BornPrettyStore striping tape over each of the colors and painted one coat of Cult Nails Nevermore (once my entire nail was painted black I quickly removed the striping tape to reveal the colors below

You tell me! Aren’t these the most awesome little water decals EVER?! They would be perfect for Halloween, but I think they are ROCKIN’ for any time of the year! HONESTLY! Oh, and did I mention that they are only $2.82 for the set!? You can get your Rock Skull Water Decals from KKCenterHk HERE! (please note that using coupon code: CHITCHAT at checkout will get you an additional 10% off of your entire purchase!

Would you wear skulls on your nails? Would you limit a skully look for the Halloween season only?
Thank you, chitchatnails
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