Ostali su mi još jedne water decals iz kkcenterhk-a koje vam nisam pokazala. Danas nisam imala mnogo vremena za nokte pa su mi one došle savršeno. To obožavam kod ovih nalepnica, možete imati prelepe nokte za nekoliko minuta. Kao i sve ostale, i ove vodene nalepnice su došle odlično upakovane u plavo-providnu zip kesicu.
Kao podlogu, nalakirala sam China Glaze - Infra Red.
There were one more water decals from kkcenterhk that I haven't showed you. Today I didn't have much time for nails so they were perfect solution. That's what I love about water decals, you can have an amazing mani within a few minutes. As well as others, these water decals came perfectly packed in a blue-transparent zip bag.
As base color, I used China Glaze - Infra Red.
Mnogo su mi slatke. A vama?
Možete ih pronaći na sajtu www.kkcenterhk.com za nekih 240 dinara. A kako bi uštedele 10%, iskoristite kod : nailsfromfairytale .
I think they are really cute. And you?
You can find them on web page www.kkcenterhk.com for $2.82. And to save 10% of it, use coupon code : nailsfromfairytale.
Thank you, nailsfromfairytale
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