Hello Lovely Ladies,
For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you will have heard me mention that thanks to blogging I have formed a number of friendships; Carolina, from Colores de Carol has become a very close friend of mine, and today I have the pleasure of showing you the Colores de Carol Girls’ Night Out Collection.
You all know how highly I think of Carolina, but for the purpose of this review, I will try to stay impartial and provide my honest opinion.
Before I show you the four shades, let me just say that I really like the cohesiveness of the collection: both name and shade wise; I am quite fond of how the shades ‘vibe’ together and represent what a Girls’ Night Out might mean to different Ladies
How does YOUR Girls’ Night Out look like?
Colores de Carol Denim & Diamonds is described as a: “Blue tinted base packed with blue and silver holographic glitter.”
(one coat over Essie Butler Please)
The base of Denim & Diamonds is blue-tinted so I chose to layer it over a vibrant blue. Aside from my sweatpants and leggins, I LIVE in comfy denim… and what girl doesn’t like diamonds? I am one of those girls that actually likes an expensive piece of jewelry ‘dressed down’
The square holographic glitter bits glisten like real diamonds.
Again I, chose the name of the polish to inspire the accent nail. I used some Born Pretty Storelose glitter and the Denim decals from KKCenterHk:
* * * *
I hope you liked these four Colores de Carol shades. These are hand mixed/created by my dearest friend and very talented fellow blogger, Carolina from ColoresdeCarol.com. I have the utmost respect for Carolina, who is a creative and talented blogger and who is now expanding her talent into making polish.
My friend was also super sweet to include a coupon code for me to share with YOU! Use coupon code: CHITCHAT at checkout for 10% off
What does your ideal Girls’ Night Out entail?
* products sent for honest-review consideration *
For my previous Colores de Carol swatches, click HERE.
Thank you, chitchatnails
Check out chitchatnails blog