2013年4月12日 星期五

Colores de Carol – Girls’ Night Out Collection By chitchatnails

Hello Lovely Ladies,
For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you will have heard me mention that thanks to blogging I have formed a number of friendships; Carolina, from Colores de Carol has become a very close friend of mine, and today I have the pleasure of showing you the Colores de Carol Girls’ Night Out Collection.
You all know how highly I think of Carolina, but for the purpose of this review, I will try to stay impartial and provide my honest opinion. ;)
Before I show you the four shades, let me just say that I really like the cohesiveness of the collection: both name and shade wise; I am quite fond of how the shades ‘vibe’ together and represent what a Girls’ Night Out might mean to different Ladies ;)
How does YOUR Girls’ Night Out look like? ;)

Colores de Carol Denim & Diamonds is described as a: “Blue tinted base packed with blue and silver holographic glitter.”
(one coat over Essie Butler Please)
The base of Denim & Diamonds is blue-tinted so I chose to layer it over a vibrant blue.  Aside from my sweatpants and leggins, I LIVE in comfy denim… and what girl doesn’t like diamonds? ;)   I am one of those girls that actually likes an expensive piece of jewelry ‘dressed down’ ;)
The square holographic glitter bits glisten like real diamonds.
Again I, chose the name of the polish to inspire the accent nail.  I used some Born Pretty Storelose glitter and the Denim decals from KKCenterHk:
* * * *
I hope you liked these four  Colores de Carol shades.  These are hand mixed/created by my dearest friend and very talented fellow blogger, Carolina from ColoresdeCarol.com.  I have the utmost respect for Carolina, who is a creative and talented blogger and who is now expanding her talent into making polish.
My friend was also super sweet to include a coupon code for me to share with YOU!  Use coupon code: CHITCHAT at checkout for 10% off ;)
What does your ideal Girls’ Night Out entail?
* products sent for honest-review consideration *
For my previous Colores de Carol swatches, click HERE.

Thank you, chitchatnails
Check out chitchatnails blog

