2013年5月29日 星期三

Platina, StarVie By rockuroutfit

 Outro verniz lindíssimo da StarVie. Esse é o Glitter Platino, que foi aplicado sobre o Índigo, da Adriane Galisteu. Adorei a fluidez do glitter prateado, bem fininho, e secou rápido. Ótimo para limpar.

Another gorgeous polish by StarVie. This is Glitter Platino, which was applied on Índigo, by Adriane Galisteu. I've just loved its silvery fluidity, really smooth and it dried fast. It was great to clean.

O que amei foi o brilho desse glitter! Tão brilhante! Parece que passei TC sobre o esmalte. E quando tirei essas fotos o dia estava nublado!

Something that I've fallen in love was this glitter! So shinning! It looks like I applied some top coat on the polish. By the way, the day that I took these pics was cloudy!

Com o esmalte ainda úmido, e tive que ser ágil, apliquei essas estrelinhas DRN612 que a Kkcenterhk me enviou no começo do mês. Não precisei usar TC para que elas "segurasse", mas sem dúvida que, para que durem mais, é necessário.

No mês de aniversário do Rock ur Nails! quem ganha é você! Para compras no site da Kkcenterhk:
Mencione: coupon code name: rockuroutfit-2Year / coupon amount: 15% off!

With the polish not dried yet, and I had to be quick, I applied these studs stars DRN612, which Kkcenterhk sent me in the beginning of this month. I didn't have to use top coat in order to stars "to glue" to the nails, but if you want them to last for more than a single day, it's necessary to apply it.

Rock ur Nails! anniversary month, shopping at Kkcenterhk you have15% off as coupon amount! but you have to mention coupon code name: rockuroutfit-2Year

Thank you, rockuroutfit
Check out rockuroutfit blog

