2013年9月27日 星期五

KKCenterHk Review: Nail Foil By apolishedprance

 Hi there! Today I have for you a review of some gorgeous blue nail foil by Hong Kong based online store KKCenterHk. "Blue Little Circle Hidden Nail Foil Transfer" is by N Nail and can be found here on the KKCenterHk website.

I received the above roll of foil, which came in a plastic container which keeps the foil protected when not in use. I already had the nail foil adhesive from my last review, but the glue can be purchased on the website.
Here are my beautiful blue foil nails:

I really love the look of this! The blue is so electric and it really sparkles in the light. I had a little bit of trouble applying the foil because I applied my glue too thick, so my tip for you is to keep your glue really thin and give it a good 5 minutes to dry before applying your foil. Once I got it right the result was stunning!!
I applied my BYS "UV Topcoat" on top which is a good topcoat to use for foils as it does not wrinkle like normal topcoats do. 
Don't forget to use my KKCenterHk discount code "apolishedprance" at the checkout for 10% off your order. KKCenterHk ships internationally :)

Thanks for looking! :)

This product was sent to me for review. This does not affect my opinion of it in any way.

Thank you, apolishedprance
Check out apolishedprance blog

