2013年10月22日 星期二

Ebalay 04 over Rimmel by Kate 711 Punk Rock By ljubicasnails

Ovaj lak me izluđuje danima. Stvarno je predivan i zaista mi se sviđa, ali ne mogu da uživam u njemu koliko bih da ga nije mnogo teško slikati. Ima nekoliko vrsta šljokica u providnoj bazi - velike šestougaone bijele, velike šestougaone srebrno-ljubičaste duohrom (te su me poludjele), bijele trakaste  i maaale okrugle ili isto šestougaone (ne mogu da procijenim) duohrom ljubičasto-plave. Velike šestougaone su razlog mojih muka. U zavisnosti od osvjetljenja boja ovih šljokica se mijenja. Na suncu su tamne i ljubičaste, a pod vještačkim svjetlom kad je vrijeme oblačno, izgledaju srebrno. Nokti mi na slikama nisu isti zato što sam ga nosila nekoliko puta, u očajničkim pokušajima da ga slikam što realnije. 

This nail polish has been driving me crazy for days. It is really gorgeous and I really like it, but I just can't enjoy it as much as I would if it wasn't so hard to capture on photos. There are few kinds of glitter in transparent base - large hexagonal white, large hexagonal silvery purple duochrome  (the one that drove me mad), white stripey and round or also smaaall hexagonal or round (I can't tell the shape) duochrome blue/purple. The large hex glitter is the cause of my troubles. In different lighting it appears differently. In sunlight it's dark and you can see the purple colour, while when the weather is cloudy or in  artificial lighting it looks silver. My nails aren't the same in every photo because I've worn it a couple of times in my desperate attempts to capture it more accurately. 

Vjerovatno bi trebalo da pomenem da sam Ebalay 04 [EBALAY-J004] dobila odKKCenterHKa da napravim recenziju (i ne, to ne utiče na moju iskrenost o proizvodu). Ako želite da ga naručite, možete da iskoristite moje kupon za 10% popusta tako što ćete ukucatiljubicasnails. Željela sam da probam neki od njihovih lakova, ali nisam znala koji da izaberem pa sam odlučila da to bude ljubičasti, jer je meni ljubičasta iz nekog razloga "sigurna" boja. Sudeći po slikama na sajtu, mislila sam da će bočica biti baš mala (piše da ima 15 ml laka, ali ja izgleda ne čitam) i kad je stigao, bila sam baš iznenađena veličinom bočice. 15 ml laka je baš dosta.

I should probably mention that I got Ebalay 04 [EBALAY-J004]  from KKCenterHK for a review (and no, that doesn't affect my honesty about the product). If you care to order it, you may use my 10% discount coupon by entering ljubicasnails. I wanted to try out one of the polishes from the site, but I didn't know which one, so I've chosen purple, 'cause purple's somewhat a safe colour for me. Judging by the photos on the site, I thought that the bottle is rather small (it says there that there's 15 ml of polish, but I just don't read I guess). When it came I was very much surprised how big the bottle is.15 ml of nail polish is quite a lot.

Što se tiče formule, tačno je kako treba, nije previše gusta ni vodena, jedan sloj je dovoljan i šljokice se lako rasporede. Četkica ravna i pomaže u tome. Moram da dodam, ima baš jak miris, koji se i dalje osjeća kad se manikir osuši. Izvjetri za nekoliko sati, ali svakako... Pretpostavljam da ima sve vrste štetnih sastojaka. :D Usput, Punk Rock je u ovom postu zapostavljen jer će imati poseban. :)

As for the formula, it's just right, not too thick nor thin. One coat is enough, since the glitter is easily spreadable. The brush is flat so that helps too. I must add though that it has a rather strong smell. You can still smell it when your manicure is dry. It wears off after a couple of hours, but still... I guess it contains all kinds of harmful chemicals. :D Btw, Punk Rock is neglected in this post because there will be a post dedicated to it only. :)

Thank you, ljubicasnails
Check out ljubicasnails blog

