Santa's Hat Nail Design
U poslednjem trenutku pisem ovaj post, poslednjeg dana ove godine. :D Samo da vam pozelim mnogo zdravlja, ljubavi i srece u godini koja dolazi. Nadam se da se polako spremate i da cete se lepo provesti veceras gde god i sa kim bili, nadam se sa voljenima. :] <3
Ovaj dizajn je rekreacija sa slike koje sam pronasla, sem sto se ne secam gde. Bio mi je mnogo sladak pa sam odlucila da ga i ja prosetam par dana na noktima.
I'm writing this post in the last minute, just to wish you a lot of health, love and happiness in coming year. I hope you will have a great time wherever you are tonight! :] <3
I found this picture and I decided to recreate this design, because I like it so much.
Ovaj dizajn je rekreacija sa slike koje sam pronasla, sem sto se ne secam gde. Bio mi je mnogo sladak pa sam odlucila da ga i ja prosetam par dana na noktima.
I'm writing this post in the last minute, just to wish you a lot of health, love and happiness in coming year. I hope you will have a great time wherever you are tonight! :] <3
I found this picture and I decided to recreate this design, because I like it so much.
Koristila sam sledece lakove i cetkice.
I used these polishes and brushes.
Don Juan white french, DJ One Coat OC229 i DJ One Coat OC224. Cheap glitter from Chinese store.
Essence dotting tool, KKCenterHK Brushes.
Vidimo se sledece godine! :) <3
See you next year! :) <3
Thank you, any-rainbow
Check out any-rainbow blog