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In my corner of the world, the rains is pouring for a few days now . I don't feel like doing anything... but glitter can make my day just a bit brighter . Here's one from KKCenterHK assortment.
U mom dijelu svijetu, kiša već danima lije . Nemam volje ni za čim... ali glitter mi može malo uljepšati dan . Evo jednog iz KKCenterHK asortimana.
I started with two CHANEL polishes: 'black satin' and 'shanghai red', then applied just one coat of EBALAY Noble Platinum Shiny Glitter Nail Polish 017. It has a platinum and white hexagonal and stripe glitter, with super small blue iridescent glitter in clear base. Although the smallest, that one is the prettiest, in my humble opinion. See how on black polish it looks blue, but on red it looks pinkish. Awesome! It would be great to have bottle of that glitter on its own.
This glitter polish comes in a bottle of 15 ml, with the brush that won't made you any problem. The glitter comes out quite easy, you don't need to fish them from the bottle. Once applied it really looks great. But, there's few downsides. The polish stinks, and it dries slowly, but with speed dry topcoat you can fix that. If you like it too, you can found it here, for 7.04 $. Don't forget to use my nailcrazy69 code for 10% discount.
One more thing, I already wear it, and it was a nightmare to remove it from nails, so I highly recommend a foil method for removing this polish.
How do you entertain yourself while the rain is pouring?
Započela sam s dva CHANEL-a: 'black satin' i 'shanghai red', a onda nanijela jedan slojEBALAY Noble Platinum Shiny Glitter laka za nokte 017. Čine ga platinasti i bijeli šesterokutni i trakasti glitteri, sa sićušnim iridescentnim glitterom u prozirnoj bazi. Iako je ovaj posljednji najmanji, najljepši je, barem po mom skromnom mišljenju. Pogledajte kako je na crnoj podlozi plav, a na crvenoj ružičast. Super je! Bilo bi fantastično imati bočicu samo takvog glittera.
Lak dolazi u bočici od 15 ml, s četkicom koja Vam neće stvarati probleme. Glitter se nanosi bez problema, ne trebate ga hvatati po bočici. Na noktima skroz dobro izgleda. Ali, nije sasvim oslobođen mana. Lak smrducka, a suši se prilično sporo, no bar to se može popraviti s brzosušećim nadlakom. Ukoliko Vam se sviđa, naći ćete ga tu, za cijenu od 7.04 $. Ne zaboravite iskoristiti i nailcrazy69 kod s kojim dobijete 10% popusta.
Još jednu stvarčicu moram napomenuti, nosila sam ga već i moram priznati da je njegovo skidanje noćna mora, zato najiskrenije preporučujem metodu folije za odstranjivanje ovog i sličnih lakova.
Kako se Vi zabavljate dok vani lije?
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
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Thank you, nailcrazy69
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