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Thank you, nailcrazy69
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Today I'd like to show you something that I got for a review from KKCenterHk online shop, that I used for a very first time - soft stamper. Join me while I'm trying to learn brand new technique.
Danas za Vas imam nešto što je stiglo na recenziju od KKCenterHk online shop-a, a što i sama prvi put koristim - mekani pečat. Pridružite mi se dok pokušavam savladati novu tehniku.
As every other products from their site, this soft stamper came in a solid plastic bag with zipper.
Kao i svi proizvodi s njihove stranice, i ovaj je stigao u tvrdoj plastičnoj vrećici s patent zatvaračem.
And this is one naked soft stamper. The peculiarity of this piece is that it's 3in 1, you don't need scraper or stamper, and image plate is not metal but soft, made of rubber.
A evo i samog 'mekanog pečata', ne znam kako bih ga drugačije nazvala. Posebnost ove stvarčice je što dobijete 3u 1 proizvod, ne treba Vam ni strugalica ni pečat, a dizajn odnosno uzorak nije na metalnoj pločici već je mekan, napravljen od gume.
For start I prepared my nails...
Za početak sam pripremila nokte...
then I put some nail polish on desired image...
a onda željeni uzorak pokrila lakom (naravno da sam odmah krenula na dvobojnu verziju)...
which I repeatedly pressed on the paper.
i više puta ga pritisnula na papir.
When the design was clean (now I see it wasn't clean completely)... I pressed the stamper on my nail. With every new design the procedure stays the same.
Kad je uzorak bio čist (a sad vidim da baš i nije)... pritisnula sam pečat na nokat. Sa svakim novim uzorkom procedura je bila ista.
It doesn't seems so bad for a first try . Then I realized that I chose wrong polishes, so I decided to give it a try with stamping polishes, that are more pigmented.
I nije tako loše za prvi pokušaj . Na kraju sam shvatila da je moj izbor lakova bio pogrešan, pa sam odlučila probati sa lakovima namijenjenim baš za pečatiranje, koji su pigmentiraniji.
This time I was happier with the results, although I haven't succeed to get clear print of the image on my pointer finger, which I tried several times.
My conclusion? This is definitely simpler technique from the 'old' metal image plates with use of scraper and stamper. All you need is this soft stamper and piece of paper on which you stamp the design until you get a clear picture... don't forget to bring your nails and nail polishes to this party . Never the less, this technique requires some practice, don't expect to get it all from very first try, like I did... eternal optimist lol. Love the design on this piece that I got, so I'll probably use it few more times.
If you're ready to give it a chance, you can found it here for price of 7,79 $. Maybe you can found even cuter soft stamper, check out the whole assortment here.
Have you tried the soft stamping yet? Would you like to?
Ovog puta sam bila zadovoljnija rezultatima, premda mi nije uspjelo dobiti čist uzorak na kažiprstu, makar sam i pribala više puta.
Zaključak? Ovo je u svakom slučaju jednostavnija tehnika od 'stare' sa metalnom pločicom, pečatom i strugalicom. Ovaj put treba Vam samo 'meki pečat' i komad papira na kojem ćete otiskivati uzorak dok ne dobijete čistu sliku... ne zaboravite ponijeti i nokte i lakiće na ovu zabavu . Ipak, ova tehnika zahtjeva i nešto vježbe, ne očekujte da ćete ju savladati iz prvog pokušaja kao što sam sama mislila... vječni optimist lol. Sviđa mi se dizajn na ovoj pločici pa ću je vjerojatno koristiti još koji put.
Ukoliko ste spremne i same isprobati nešto novo, 'mekani pečat' možete naći ovdje, za 7,79 $. Možda uspijete pronaći i Vama zanimljiviji set uzoraka, provjerite ponudu tu.
Jeste već isprobale 'meki pečat'? Spremate se?
Thanks for stopping by, Žana
PR sample
Thank you, nailcrazy69
Check out nailcrazy69 blog