2014年2月7日 星期五

N.NAIL Peach Blossom Water Decals by cajkinekandze

Jedan deo mojih priprema za ChibiCon koji se održava ovog vikenda predstavlja i manikir. U nedostatku trešnjinog cveta odlučila sam da nokte ukrasim breskvinim cvetom, tj. dekalima sa ovim motivom koje sam dobila od KKCenterHk. Ovi dekali nisu nalepnice, nisu samolepljivi. Na jednom tabaku su četiri suprotno orijentisana reda od po pet sličica rascvale grane različite veličine i oblika. Zamerka koju imam je nedostatak ikakvog uputstva za upotrebu. Veoma sam zahvalna AnyRainbow koja je napravila uputstvo u slikama i time mi uštedela dosta vremena.

One part om my preparations for ChibiCon that is being held this weekend is manicure. Not having cherry blossom stickers I resorted to peach blossom decals I  got for review from KKCenterHk. These aren't sticky, have no adhesive. There are four rows of five different images of branches in bloom facing opposite directions on one sheet. My objection is that there are no instructions. I'm grateful for AnyRainbow's photo tutorial that saved me time.

NNAIL-WDSY1465 dekali su napravljeni od veoma fine tanke plastične folije. U poređenju sa prethodna dva seta dekala koja sam recenzirala ovi su baš po meri kada su u pitanju i brzina skidanja sa folije i debljina same folije. Nisu bili suviše tanki niti su se lepili sami za sebe, ali opet su veoma fini i ne osećaju se pod prstom. Zbog veličine treba paziti da se ne nagužvaju na noktu, ali na svu sreću ne suše se prebrzo tako da imate dovoljno vremena da ih namesitie po volji i izravnate ukoliko ima potrebe za time.

NNAIL-WDSY1465 water decals are made out of very fine plastic wrap. Compared to the other two sets of decals I reviewed before these are just right when it comes to the time they take to slide off paper and the thickness of the wrap. These are not too thin and flimsy and sticking to themselves, but are very fine and not palpable on nail. Because of the size of images they should be placed with care so as not to wrinkle, but fortunately these don't dry too fast so you will have enough time to manipulate them and position them the way you like and straighten any wrinkles and kinks if needed.

Ovaj proizvod sam dobila za recenziju sa sajta http://kkcenterhk.com/. Dobila sam i kod koji možete upotrebiti za 10 % popusta pri naručivanju. Samo unesite cajka u prostor za kod za popust kada budete plaćali. KKCenterHk šalje robu širom sveta. Srbija ne postoji u meniju zemalja, ali postoji Jugoslavija.

The product above was sent to me for review by http://kkcenterhk.com/. I was also given a coupon code you can use to get 10 % discount. Just enter cajka at checkout. KKCenterHk ships worldwide.

Thank you, cajkinekandze
Check out cajkinekandze blog


