Já tinha postado aqui há imenso tempo uma
plaquinha e um carimbo que permitiam transferir motivos para as
unhas. Neste caso, o carimbo e a plaquinha são vendidos em separado, mas
já vi kits em que vêm juntos e outros trazem até uns vernizes próprios.
I had already posted here a long time a plaque and a stamp that allowed transfer drawing for the nails. In this case, the stamp and plaque are sold separately, but I've seen kits in wich they that come together and others even bring up some other varnishes.
I had already posted here a long time a plaque and a stamp that allowed transfer drawing for the nails. In this case, the stamp and plaque are sold separately, but I've seen kits in wich they that come together and others even bring up some other varnishes.
Como as minhas unhas andaram uma desgraça
(para não dizer que continuam), a lascar todas andei imenso tempo sem as
pintar. Hoje resolvi meter as "mãos na massa" e pintá-las e usar estes
As my nails have been a mess (not to say that they still), I had been a long time without painting them. Today I decided to get "my hands dirty" and paint them and use these stamps.
As my nails have been a mess (not to say that they still), I had been a long time without painting them. Today I decided to get "my hands dirty" and paint them and use these stamps.
Já o tinha experimentado, confesso que à primeira, à segunda, à terceira (...) os desenhos não sairam nada bem, mas com jeitinho vai lá.
I had already tried this, when I first received it and I confess that at first, second, third (...) drawings didn't stay very well, but with some patient we get there.
I also tried with several nail polishes and some simply does not work, I used several from KIKO and couldn't do anything with them. This time I used a Sephora one and it worked. This varnish is already open for a long time so it is thicker, I think that must have been why it worked better.
Hoje vou mostrar-vos como usar estes transferidores de imagens.
Today I'll show how this nail stamps work.
1º Passo
1st step
1st step
Pintar a figurinha que se deseja transferir com verniz
Paint the desired image with nail polish
Paint the desired image with nail polish
2º Passo
2nd step
2nd step
Com o raspador remover o excesso de verniz.
No início tentava remover o verniz todo que ficava fora da figura e
acabava por remover também o que estava dentro dela. Não se preocupem
com o excesso porque fica uma camada tão fina que seca logo e não
With the scraper remove the excess of polish. At first I tried to remove all of it, that that stayed out of the picture but also ended up removing what was inside of it. Do not worry too much because it gets a layer so thin that it dries immediately and does not transfer.
With the scraper remove the excess of polish. At first I tried to remove all of it, that that stayed out of the picture but also ended up removing what was inside of it. Do not worry too much because it gets a layer so thin that it dries immediately and does not transfer.
3º Passo
3rd step
3rd step
Passar o carimbo na imagem pressionando-o de um lado ao outro
Skip the stamp on the image pressing it from one side to another
4º Passo
4th step
4th step
Transferir a imagem num só movimento para a unha
Transfer the image in one movement for nail
Transfer the image in one movement for nail
5º Passo
5th step
5th step
Aplicar uma Top-Coat
Apply a top-coat
Apply a top-coat
Por último devem limpar tudo com um algodão e removedor de verniz, é tudo muito fácil de limpar.
For last, you should clean everything up with a cotton and polish remover, it's all too easy to clean.
Já usaram estes carimbos? Como foi a vossa experiência?
Had you already use these stamps? How was your experience?
*****Thank you, womenspleasuresandtreasures
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