2013年10月2日 星期三

Hot Leopard Lips By nailcrazy69

 Hi there!

Some time ago I received this item from KKCenterhk for a review.
Prije nekog vremena dobila sam ovu stvarčicu od KKCenterhk online shopa.

With it, I used these polishes to make an appropriate manicure. 
Uz to, iskoristila sam i lakiće dolje za prigodnu manikuru.

Now, when you met my associates you may see what they help create. 
Sad kad ste upoznali moje suradnike možete i vidjeti što su pomogli stvoriti.

I thought some wild cat will go great with these hot lips. This lip shaped black and purple leopard nail art decoration is basically pretty simple to use. You need decent amount of topcoat or nail glue under it, press it, add topcoat on top and you're ready to go. Let me tell you a little secret - this baby even survived shower and washing the dishes, and that's great! If I don't loose it I could probably use it few more times. You will found it here, but please remember to use my nailcrazy69 code for 10% discount. They're sold out for the moment, but I'm sure you'll found  other great thingies on KKCenterhk site. 
Now it's your turn, tell me what you think.
Palo mi je na pamet da bi se kakva divlja mica-maca dobro složila s ovim vrelim usnama. Nail art dekoracija u obliku usana s ljubičastim i crnim leopard printom je u biti super jednostavna za korištenje. Ispod nje stavite pristojnu količinu nadlaka ili ljepila za nokte, kako vam drago, pritisnite, stavite na vrh još nadlaka i to je to. Da vam odam i malu tajnu - ove su usne preživjele i tuširanje i pranje suđa! Zar to nije super!? Ukoliko ih ne izgubim negdje putem, sigurno ću ih iskoristiti još koji put. Možete ih pronaći ovdje, i obavezno se sjetite iskoristiti nailcrazy69 kod za 10% popusta. Doduše, trenutno su rasprodane, ali na KKCenterhk situ možete pronaći još brdo zanimljivih stvarčica.
Sad je red na vama, da čujem što mislite.

Thanks for stopping by, Žana

PR sample
PR uzorak

Thank you, nailcrazy69
Check out nailcrazy69 blog

